"One day Jesus was praying in a certain place. When He finished, one of
His disciples said to Him, 'Lord, teach us to pray, just as John taught his
disciples.'" Luke 11:1
God is calling out a remnant of
workplace believers throughout the world who understand the role of prayer in
their work. These people have learned that prayer is not a five-minute exercise
in the morning devotion time, but it is a vital strategic tool to discern and
know God's will and purposes in their work lives. You see they have learned
that their business lives are their ministries to God and others.
These men and women have entered
into covenant relationships with intercessory prayer partners who help discern
the activities they should be involved in. Some even have paid staff, who
intercede for the decisions and activities in which they will be involved. They
are a small remnant of workplace believers who know that skill and technique
are not enough to fulfill God's purposes.
A servant of the Lord has well said:
Prayer is the rail for God's work. Indeed, prayer is to God's will as rails are
to a train. The locomotive is full of power: it is capable of running a
thousand miles a day. But if there are no rails, it cannot move forward a
single inch. If it dares to move without them, it will soon sink into the
earth. It may be able to travel over great distances, yet it cannot go to any
place where no rails have been laid. And such is the relation between prayer
and God's work. Without any doubt God is almighty and He works mightily, but He
will not and cannot work if you and I do not labor together with Him in prayer,
prepare the way for His will, and pray "with all prayer and
supplication" (Eph. 6:18) to grant Him the maneuverability to so work.
Many are the things, which God wills to do, and would like to do, but His hands
are bound because His children do not sympathize with Him and have not prayed
so as to prepare ways for Him. Let me say to all who have wholly given
themselves to God: Do examine yourselves and see if in this respect you have
limited Him day after day. [Watchman Nee, Let Us Pray (New York, New York:
Christian Fellowship Publishers, 1977), 11.]
Is prayer a vital part of your
strategic business practices? Put prayer on the front lines, instead of making
it an afterthought. You will begin to see renewed power in your work life.
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