"Remember Tobiah and Sanballat, O my God, because of what they
have done; remember also the prophetess Noadiah and the rest of the prophets who
have been trying to intimidate me." - Nehemiah 6:14
Nehemiah set out to rebuild the wall at Jerusalem that had been destroyed.
Nehemiah held a position in the Persian Empire that would be comparable to Chief
of Staff in our government. Nehemiah wept over the destruction of the city wall
and repented for the sins of his generation and the generations before him that
had led to the fall of Jerusalem. Nehemiah responded to the news by seeking
approval from his superior to take time off to rebuild the wall. Tobiah and
Sanballat met Nehemiah's action with resistance, as did Noadiah the prophetess
and other prophets. These were the religious and political leaders of his day.
They became distractions to his work and opposed him.
Whenever God does a new work, it is often met with resistance by those in the
established religious community, and sometimes among those from whom we would
expect support. Jesus met the same resistance when He began His public ministry.
This same phenomenon happens today. When God begins a new work that cannot be
easily explained based upon prior experiences, many make the mistake of assuming
it not to be of God. The very people who should embrace and encourage the work
become the source of skepticism and opposition. God tells us that His ways are
not our ways. He does things in ways beyond our limited understanding.
Before you are tempted to criticize or oppose something that looks different
from your past experience, ask God for wisdom and discernment. Examine why you
might be tempted to oppose it. The Lord cannot be put in a box. He delights in
doing things in ways that may not fit our former paradigms.
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