"At that time Jesus said,
'I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these
things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children. Yes,
Father, for this was your good pleasure'" (Matt 11:25-26).
It was a typical Sunday morning church service. Twelve-year old Jordan was
deaf. She was the daughter of the pastor and took her regular first row seat
opposite her mother across the isle. She liked to sit with her friend on the
front row even though she could not understand the message without a sign
language interpreter. On this day, there was no interpreter for the service.
However, sitting next to her were her friend and her friend's mother, and they
both knew sign language.
They often had visiting preachers at their church. This day, the visiting
preacher asked people to come forward to be prayed for. The message that day was
on "Getting into the River of God."
Jordan asked her friend if she saw what she was seeing. Jordan's friend
asked, "See what?" Jordan replied, "The angels and Jesus!" The friend said,
"Where?" Jordan again pointed to the platform. "There! By the guitar!" It was
then that her mother saw the girls talking. Pattie knew her daughter was seeing
something because of her face and her reactions. Jordan never took her eyes off
the platform. Jordan began describing what she was seeing to her friend's mother
who then began telling Jordan's mother what she was seeing. Jordan was seeing
Jesus on the stage and a host of angels surrounding Him. Jordan described the
scene in every detail. As Jordan looked on the stage at Jesus who was standing
behind the minister, Jesus looked back at her and signed to her, "I love you."
Jesus appeared often to the disciples after His resurrection. Over the
centuries, there have been reports of personal appearances of Jesus to both
believing and unbelieving individuals.
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