Wednesday, November 26, 2008

FOR ONLY $19.95

"His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness" (2 Peter 1:3-4).

During my career in advertising I worked with many well known companies such as American Express and Steinway Pianos. We also created direct response TV commercials for different kinds of products. A direct response TV commercial is a television commercial that offers a product or service via a free call. We learned that the "magic" price point for a product was $19.95. Anything over this would significantly reduce response.
Another key to success was that the product had to be able to demonstrate an ability to solve a felt need by the viewer. Household items that could solve a problem that most people experienced or improved their ability to perform a task were the most successful. Advertising allowed viewers to gain knowledge about a product that could solve a problem. Without this knowledge they would never know such a product existed.
Advertising is usually designed to appeal to people's wants versus their needs. What we perceive is a need is often simply a want. Peter tells us that the Gospel provides every believer divine power to receive what we need for life and godliness. One way we access this power is through our knowledge of Him.
The Bible says the "truth shall make you free" (Jn 8:32). When we know what Christ has provided to us we are able to tap into it. We are able to access what He has provided to meet a need or access a solution to a problem. However, if you do not study the scriptures daily, you will never know what is available to you. This would be like receiving a check for a million dollars but never cashing it because you didn't know you had to. Knowing what to do would allow you to access the money.
Make a commitment to study God's Word daily and spend time reflecting on His work in your life. Then, you will experience freedom because you will discover what Peter means when he says "the truth shall make you free."

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