Thursday, October 25, 2007


You will never make a cogent contribution in life if you have never graduated from the school of adversity. A man once said, "those who run away from adversaries never meet with advancement". You need to face the reality of adversity for your advancement to be announced.
Adversity makes a man to think wisely. It awakes the mental faculties of every serious mind. These are some of the possible questions adversity can prune you to; why am i in this level? What can i do to get out of here?
Adversity doesn't come to destroy a man, it comes to build him up. It is a factual saying "the best time to know whom a man is, is when he faces adversity". Your adversity is breeding ground for your lifting. Always view adversity with a positive mentality because adversity is an adventure to your advantages.

"There is no education like adversity" - Benjamin Disreali

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