Friday, August 4, 2017


"Even a child is known by his actions, by whether his conduct is pure and right" (Prov 20:11).
In the marketplace companies and products are known by their position in the industry they represent. Lexus and Mercedes hold the top position among luxury automobiles. They are known for their high quality. Nike is a sports merchandise company known for its products serving those who play sports and they own the number one position in their industry. Coca-Cola is a soft drink company that currently has the number one position in the world among soft drinks. Companies spend millions trying to gain the number one position.
You also are called to achieve a certain position in what and how you do it. Your position is often a result of your actions taken over several years. Usually when your name is mentioned, your position is revealed. It is the most distinguishing attribute of your life and work and people associate you with your perceived position.
In the workplace you are known more by what you do and what you achieve. Your reputation is often built either around productivity or the lack of it. Years of productivity in an industry can allow you to own the number one position in your industry.
Do your actions line up with the position God desires for your life? Are you modeling the fruits of the Holy Spirit in all aspects of your life? Paul prayed that "you would live a life worthy of the Lord and please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God?"( Col 1:10-11). Paul desired that we all have a position of a person who bears fruit from our knowledge of God.
May each of us strive to have an excellent position for the benefit of the Kingdom.

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