…”Everything is all right”…. 2 Kings 4:26
The prophet Elisha often would
travel through the town of Shunem, and in that town was a well-to-do couple who
extended hospitality to him. At first, they simply offered Elisha a meal when
he came through town. Then, seeing that Elisha needed a place to stay and
study, they built a room for him above their house so that each time he came
through town, he had a place to stay. He was so appreciative of their kindness
that one day he asked the wife what he could do for her. His servant Gehazi
later informed Elisha that the woman was barren and her husband was old. ”
‘About this time next year,’ Elisha said, ‘you will hold a son in your arms’ ”
(2 Kings 4:16). A year later the son arrived.
One day the father was working in
the field, and the son became ill and died. The woman ran to meet Elisha to
inform him. When Elisha asked what was wrong, she did not panic and react in
fear. Her response to Elisha seemed almost unnatural. “Everything is all
right,” she said. Elisha went to the boy and raised him from the dead. It was a
glorious miracle. (See Second Kings 4.)
Faith looks at situations through
God’s eyes, not the eyes of our limited understanding. This woman did not
panic, for she knew something more than the current circumstance. Faith does
not panic, but realizes that what looks like devastating circumstances may be
God’s plan to bring glory to Himself by demonstrating His power. When Jesus
appeared on the water to the disciples in the middle of the night, they
exclaimed, “It’s a ghost!” (see Mt. 14:26) First appearances can bring great
fear upon us even to the point of paralyzing us. Find the Lord in your
circumstance today. Exercise your faith today and trust Him for His outcome in
the situation.
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