"As you do not know the path of the wind, or how the body
is formed in a mother's womb, so you cannot understand the work of God,
the Maker of all things" (Eccl 11:5).
God will often use circumstances in our lives to direct us in making and
decisions. I have often discovered this to be the case - but only after a
situation has occurred. I later look back and see how God worked in
the situation.
Read this testimony, "Years ago, I launched a magazine designed for Christians in the
workplace and I was having lunch with a Christian leader named Larry who
headed a ministry that helps men and women apply biblical principles to
managing money.
During our lunch, I explained to Larry that I had noticed that there
were many grassroots workplace ministries cropping up all over the
country. I asked Larry if he was familiar with some of the groups since
he had taught a course and wrote a book on operating a business on
biblical principles. But he said he was not. He then asked, "It would be
nice to know what all these groups are doing so we don't duplicate
efforts. Do you think you could invite some of these groups for a
roundtable discussion?" I told him I would and I proceeded to invite
four main workplace ministries that I had worked with in the past.
Then something unexpected began to happen. I began to get requests from
ministries all around the country that had heard about the gathering
and they were asking if they could attend the roundtable. By the time
the event actually took place, 54 people showed up representing 45
organizations from around the country! Unfortunately, Larry had a last
minute conflict and was not able to attend, and he informed me that I
would have to host the meeting myself. That was the birth of Marketplace
Leaders, the ministry I now lead full time. I often joke that God
tricked me into starting this ministry because He knows I never would
have done that on my own at that time.
God often confirms His direction through circumstances. Be on alert that
when God sets up situations that are out of your control - He may be
giving you direction through these circumstances.
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