"So Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him in the
presence of his brothers, and from that day on the Spirit of the Lord
came upon David in power...."
1 Samuel 16:13
Has the Spirit of the Lord rested on your life? Can you cite the time
when God's Spirit began demonstrating His power through you?
David knew the day the Spirit of the Lord began a special work in him.
That Spirit was different from most leaders. Instead of seeking power
and control, he led in response to a need. Instead of being a perfect
person, he learned from mistakes and acknowledged them among those he
led. Instead of placing confidence in his own abilities, he sought
wisdom from the only real Commander in charge. David never lost a battle
through his many years of leading Israel. He failed God by sinning with
Bathsheba and by numbering the troops, but he learned from those
failures, and he had to pay a price for them. However, God's Spirit
never left David. He never left because of David's willingness to keep a
soft heart toward God, even when he failed.
God wants to do the same in you and me, but He will not allow that
Spirit to rest on us if we seek to control outcomes and manipulate out
of our need for power. Servant leaders know that they are only a tool in
the Master's hand. They do not value themselves more than they ought.
David's heart was fully the Lord's. Is your heart fully the Lord's to do
with what He wills?
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