He is mentioned only once in a brief description in the Old Testament,
yet what he says and what his life bespeaks could fill volumes. He was aman whom God saw as worthy of a request that had significant
consequences for him and his family. His name was Jabez. Here is how the
Scripture describes him:
Jabez was more honorable than his brothers. His mother had named him
Jabez, saying, "I gave birth to him in pain." Jabez cried out to the God
Your hand be with me, and keep me from harm so that I will be free from
pain." And God granted his request (1 Chronicles 4:9-10).
When you think of territory, you probably think of land or some area in
which you have dominion. Jesus often spoke about giving responsibility
based on what we do with the little things first. Jabez must have been a
very responsible person. God describes him as honorable. Jabez must have
understood what it really means to be blessed by God. He was a man who
knew what it meant to press into God and ask for God's favor with
passion. God saw the heart of this man and gave him his request. His
borders were enlarged! He lived a life free from pain. Imagine that!
The only reason God will enlarge a person's territory is that He knows
that person will use it responsibly. He will steward what is given in
light of God's Kingdom. God truly wants to increase our territory to
have greater influence in the world around us. That territory can mean
personal influence and/or physical territories.
It is rare to have a life without pain. Pain is often necessary to mold
us and shape us. This is the only exception I have seen in Scripture.
Jabez must have been quite a man with incredible integrity and purity of
Are you this kind of person? Can God enlarge your territory and entrust
you to use it for His purposes? Ask God today to enlarge your territory.
Ask Him to make you the kind of man or woman who is worthy of such
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