Wednesday, February 16, 2011


..."Cheer up! On your feet! He's calling you." - Mark 10:49

Do you recall the circumstances when God first called you into
relationship with Him? Were you in need of something? Were you in a
crisis situation? Every day God calls someone into relationship with Him
through different circumstances. More often than not, the circumstances
relate to a need in their life that only God can meet.
Bartimaeus had the need to see again. He was a poor blind beggar, who
had heard about Jesus and the miracles He had done. The crowds rebuked
him for seeking Jesus, yet he continued to cry out. "Many rebuked him
and told him to be quiet, but he shouted all the more, 'Son of David,
have mercy on me!'...Throwing his cloak aside, he jumped to his feet and
came to Jesus" (Mk. 10:48,50). That day, Bartimaeus saw for the first
time. But more than that, he saw with spiritual eyes for the first time.
Each workday, we rub shoulders with someone who has not met this Jesus
we know personally. God uses needs to draw us to Himself. What need has
He placed in a coworker that only Christ can meet? Perhaps you are the
instrument He wants to use to introduce that person to Himself. It
requires availability and a willingness to look for people with needs;
then point them to Christ to meet their needs. Pray for divine
appointments today.
There are four types of Christians in the workplace. Which one are you?
Read Os Hillman's article Four Types of Christians in the Workplace.
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