Wednesday, December 8, 2010


"The hand of the Lord was upon me there, and He said to me, "Get up and
go out to the plain, and there I will speak to you." - Ezekiel 3:22

God speaks in many different ways to His children. He spoke through a
bush to Moses. He spoke through a donkey to Balaam. He spoke through
prophets to His kings. He speaks through other believers. He speaks
directly to us through the invisible Holy Spirit. And He speaks even
through circumstances.
When God wants to speak a very important word directly to us without
interruption from the noise of our busy lives, he will take us "into
the plain." The plain is a place of no distractions and no other persons.
It is a place of silence. It can be a place of great need as it often
fails to have the normal provisions we are accustomed to. It can be a place
we go to voluntarily to seek His face, or we can be moved there without
choice by His supernatural ability. More often, it is the latter method
that brings us into the plain. In modern times, it often means a
separation from our normal activities such as jobs or families.
The plain can also be a place where we discover afresh that God's hand
has been on us all the time. When we are so busy with life, we
sometimes forget that God's hand is still there, gently leading our path. When
our lives get so busy that we are not listening or responding to His gentle
touch, He must take more aggressive measures to get our attention.
Thus,the plain is one of those appointed times of one-on-one communication
with our heavenly Father. No distractions, no people, no beautiful
surroundings to capture our thoughts. It is a barren place designed to
allow us to seek and hear clearly. When He speaks, we need to be able
to listen. We hear much better in the plain.
Do you need to hear God's voice today? Is your life such that you
cannot even hear His voice? Each day God calls us to our own mini-plain in
order to speak to us and for us to hear. If we neglect this time of
open communication, we may be invited to His plain in order to hear without
distraction. Pray that you might make time to hear.

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