Monday, June 21, 2010


"One day the evil spirit answered them, "Jesus I know, and I know about
Paul, but who are you?"- Acts 19:15

Are you a threat to the kingdom of darkness? If satan and his demons
had a board meeting and your name came before the board, what would they
say? Would they say that you are one of their most feared enemies and
they needed to keep many demons harassing and opposing you? Or would
they say, "Gentlemen, this person poses no threat to our activities.
Leave him alone. He needs no help from us." There are millions of
church-going believers sitting in pews Sunday after Sunday who pose
little threat to the kingdom of darkness.
If we truly believe that we war against rulers and principalities that
cannot be seen, then we must realize that their mandate is to hinder
any believer who is seeking to walk in the fullness of God. However,
"greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world" (1 Jn.
4:4b KJV).
If you are seeking to fully follow the Lord, you can expect harassment
from the enemy. God permits temptation because it drives us deeper into
the soil of God. These times reveal God's power to keep us and walk us
through the temptations. Our message becomes fruitful when it is born
out of obedience and suffering for His name. Do not consider it strange
if you find yourself fighting major battles the more obedient you
become to the Master. God desires each of us to become a feared enemy of hell
in order to affect satan's domain. When you begin to feel harassed,
chances are you are beginning to affect the kingdom of darkness, and
satan doesn't like this. So, how many demons do you think are assigned
to you?

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