Satan is limited in wisdom. When he was created, he was full of wisdom godly wisdom. But after his rebellion and defeat, his wisdom was corrupted. (Ezk 28:12,17). Anyone in search of wisdom who goes to satan, will receive polluted wisdom. He spearheads several shades of knowledge and wisdom through the world’s religions and educational systems, but their wisdom is corrupted. If you want the genuine wisdom, go to Jesus. He is the wisdom of God (1 Corin 1:24). Satan has access to as much knowledge. But the way he applies them is ridden with error. It is meant to discredit God, steal worship from His creatures particularly human beings deceive and distort the truth and destroy its recipient. Have you been acquiring satanic based knowledge and wisdom through the occult, magical books, religions, corrupted fields of study? Their end is destruction. Flee today!
Another limitation of satan is in problem solving. He is very good at creating problems-stealing, killing and destruction (John 10:10). But he is very inefficient in solving problems. His current evil nature forbids him to solve people’s problems hence those who meet him for solutions create more problems for themselves. For instance, if you want to solve problem of poverty and you meet satan, he will use that opportunity to create hatred and enmity between you and your loved ones whom he would accuse of being responsible, even though your laziness was the cause.
Secondly, he will ask you to make a sacrifice and create more problems for yourself. He could ask you to make a covenant with a particular part of your body, or to murder one of your loved ones. He would ask you to renew that sacrifice from time to time so that the blood money can keep on flowing, which means more murders. He could ask you to either join cults or make covenants with demons or deities which would have legal access into your home, life and plans, and from that moment mysterious things will begin to take place. You went to him with a problem, but you would have created five or more problems in all attempts to solve one. You would endanger your life and family, yet be unable to get adequate solutions. Jesus Christ is the only solution to your problems, come to Him today.
But unto them which are called both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God. – 1 Corinthians 1:24.
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