Human are bipedal primates belonging to the mammalian species called Homo sapiens, which is otherwise known as “thinking species”, “wise man” or “creative thinker”. In other words one major essence of human existence is creativity. Human are created with a highly developed brain, which is capable of abstract reasoning in order to get the idea necessary for creativity. This means that, every human has been endowed with the quality or power of creativity. Therefore, any human who is not creative in nature is not living out his nature and as a result will lose fulfillment and success. The word “creativity” is the combination of two English words” creativity“and “activity”, which implies that the purpose or the activity of humans is to be creative in nature.
Creativity is, therefore, defined as “a mental process involving the generation of new ideas or concepts or new association between existing ideas or concepts”. It can also be defined as the constant search for new ways of doing things. It is the result of the perfect combination of old resources to obtain an entirely new one.
There is no doubt about the fact that creativity is the mother of existence. Everything in existence came through it; everything that will come into existence will come through it, without creativity, nothing which has been created would ever have been created. Without it, there would be no re-creation of the created. It’s also the process through which wealth is generated. The fact that the human creativity has been the source of generating unlimited wealth over a long period of time cannot be undermined. This is something that needs to be embraced the more. It is a must for every endeavor that generates wealth if a long-term implementation of such endeavor is to be averted from going into extinction.
While much wealth-generating ideas and products have come and gone, still some have come to stay. No one ever introduces money making venture with the hope that it dies or bankrupt sooner. It is a thing of joy, satisfaction and fulfillment to keep generating wealth from an idea or a product as many generations unfold. But the truth is that only very few of all newly introduced ideas or products live to experience this. The reason many ideas or products fail to remain a long-term source of wealth, if at all the management of such is right, is mainly due to the lack of creativity. Many wealth generating ideas or products would have long been no where to be found in the market place if not for what creativity is doing to them.
Who would have still know Coca-cola if the products lacked creativity since 1886? It would have fizzled out of the market had it not been for the introduction of creativity to the product. That is the power of creativity.
Every new idea or product has a tendency of experience what I call the law of diminishing moneymaking ability. Except there is a room for creative response to the taste of consumers. Manufacturers or entrepreneurs who are making huge turnovers in their enterprises through the sale of different types of products would not dare throw the aforementioned fact to the bin. It would be good to consider some practical examples at this juncture. The television is a very good product for this analysis. The trend below illustrates the analysis.
Wooden-case television (black and white)
Plastic-case television (black and white)
Plastic-case television (colour)
Flatron-LCD-Plasma television
When the wooden case television, the black and white type, was manufactured, millions of people spent huge sum of money on it either to buy and sell it, or have one for home use, and the manufacturers, entrepreneur and other money makers’ generated wealth through its sales. As time went on, the black and white plastic case became unleashed through creativity into the market. People saw a new taste in the same product and they parted away with their money to acquire the new product. The trends continued and things are still changing. When the taste of the consumers for a certain product is diminishing, the wealth generating capacity of the product will correspondingly decrease. Only creativity can bring a new dawn of wealth creation the rescue of the dying product.
If you want to continue making more money in your business, then you will have to keep being creative in your business. Otherwise, your business will soon be nowhere successful. It will lack the power of thriving in the market place because its market value will wear thing in the face of competition. Soichiro Honda regained his status at the top of the automobile market share when he introduced a new model. The reason so many automobile companies are changing the models of their cars is not because their previous models do not work fine. It is simply because they want to remain in business as long as they exist. What does it imply to remain in business? I guess you are thinking of something now. That is nice of you! T remain in business is to keep generating more wealth while you are always busy thinking of satisfying your customers better than you did before.
You may be wondering why you have not been making more money than you expected in your business endavour. The basic truth has just been unleashed to your face – creativity is found wanting. You need to begin to be creative with your source of wealth if you must make more of wealth. The generation of unlimited wealth is highly possible for anyone who embraces creativity as a partner in business. Creativity helps in adding new value to your ideas or products, the more values you add to your ideas or products, the more wealth you are able to generate. I leave you at this point to go ahead and have a taste of what creativity can offer to your financial life, and business success is yours!
“Empty pockets never held anyone back. Only empty heads and empty hearts can do that.” – Norman Vincent Peale
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