Just about everyone wants to get rich. But the world's
emphasis on having lots of money and material
possessions doesn't lead to true wealth. God wants His
people to be rich in the things that matter most, like
grace and joy.
If you follow the Bible's principles, you'll find that
God will not only meet your material needs, but also
enable you to live a generous and fulfilling life.
1. Keep your treasures in heaven rather than on earth.
Ask yourself questions to determine the attitudes of
your heart: "What do I think about most?", "What
occupies most of my emotional and physical energy?",
"How do I respond emotionally when I see human
needs?", "How do I respond emotionally when I hear
biblical messages on what God says my attitudes and
actions should be regarding material possessions?",
"How do I respond when I feel I may need to part with
some material possessions so they can be better used
to meet someone else's needs or to help carry out the
Great Commission?", "What priorities do I have other
than making money (such as worshiping God and spending
quality time with family and friends)?", and "What is
my attitude when I do give?"
2. Use your material possessions wisely. Put your faith
in God rather than in what you own. Know that if you
follow God's will for how to use the gifts He's given
you, you will inspire love and unity among believers,
and motivate encourage non-Christians to believe in
Jesus. Have spiritual leaders model the way all
Christians should use material possessions - with
integrity, unselfishness, and pure motives. Be willing
to make sacrifices to respond to special needs that
arise among God's people. Share your possessions to
encourage others, and thank people who share with you.
Develop an efficient system in your church to help
meet the material needs of other people in your
congregation and community. Realize that having a lot
of material possessions may make it hard for you to
recognize and acknowledge your need for God's grace in
salvation. Make sure your possessions aren't keeping
you in bondage. Ask God how you can creatively use
whatever excess material possessions you have to help
His kingdom work. Take care of your family members -
from children to aging parents. If you don't have
much, don't feel inferior to those who have more. If
you have a lot, be humble. No matter what your
material circumstances, give what you can, cheerfully.
3. Be thankful. Thank God daily in prayer for all that He
gives you. Decide to put God first in all things,
knowing that if you do, He will meet your needs.
Remember how God has provided for you in the past, and
trust Him to continue to do so in the present and
future. Learn to be content no matter what your
circumstances. Let your gratitude for all God has done
for you motivate you to give to His kingdom work.
4. Give generously. Give to honor God rather than
yourself. Evaluate your motives before you give.
Understand that your gifts please God only when you've
done your part to be in harmony with your brothers and
sisters in Christ before giving. Know that giving
won't cancel out the results of a lifestyle that's
contrary to God's will. Confess your sins and seek
forgiveness before giving so you can be at peace with
God and others, and give with pure motives. Be willing
to help everyone God leads you to help, even your
enemies. Pay special attention to needs among your
fellow Christians. Know that God will reward you when
you give faithfully, based on the degree of sacrifice
you make. Evaluate your giving patterns, asking
yourself if you're giving unselfishly,
proportionately, generously. Every time you're paid,
set aside a portion of your income to give to God's
work. Organize your finances so you can plan to give
regularly and generously. Make sure you're supporting
those who are ministering to you spiritually. Make it
a priority to support your local church. Strive to
understand the lives of the people you're trying to
help through your giving, and build relationships with
them to draw them closer to Christ's love. Besides
giving money and possessions to further God's kingdom,
give your time and contribute your talents and skills
as well.
5. Be ethical. Realize that being entrusted with money to
use for God's kingdom work is an awesome
responsibility. Don't use the Christian message to try
to benefit yourself. Remember that a church is not
simply a business. Set up a system for your church
finances that ensures accountability. Don't show
favoritism toward wealthy people or prejudice toward
poor people; treat all people equally. When you do
your financial planning, make it a priority to fulfill
God's will in every respect. Ask God to help you
overcome temptations to be unfair, dishonest,
self-indulgent, or greedy. Work hard to earn your
money rather than trying to obtain it through
get-rich-quick schemes or gambling. Show
responsibility in your work so you will represent
Christ well. Strive for excellence in all the work you
do, knowing that God is your ultimate boss. Treat
employees fairly in every respect, including paying
them fair wages. Be a good citizen by paying all
government taxes and fees when they're due. When you
need financial help, be open and honest about your
need while avoiding any form of manipulation. Be on
guard against false teachers who mix truth with error
in order to exploit people. As a Christian living in
an affluent society, be on guard against
self-deception and rationalization.
6. Handle lending and borrowing well. Strive to always
pay your bills in full and on time. Avoid consumer
debt, especially when it hinders your ability to give
God the first fruits of your income. Never knowingly
borrow money you can't pay it back according to a
predetermined agreement. Before borrowing money for
any purpose, seek wisdom from others who can help you
evaluate all aspects of the decision. Demonstrate
grace to people who borrowed money with good
intentions but encountered crises beyond their control
that make it hard to repay their loans on time. Before
guaranteeing another person's loan based on your own
assets, make sure you'd be able to repay the entire
loan yourself without defaulting on other financial
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