Tuesday, September 11, 2007


So why exactly are you NOT doing what it is you’re truly wanted to? Now, only a few people will reply that they are ... because they have identified their nature, dreams and made them in to Goals. Have you identified your 'purpose', identified your goals?

In my life I was able to find out what my true goals in life were, and it started out by questioning what I would like to contribute to the world in life if money was no longer something I had to worry about. I start thinking of a few things like photography. I could do some beautiful portraits and some artistic prints; however, would I actually be able to do something that had never ever been done in the past? Then I considered my computer design project. Sure, it would help society in some ways, but it may not last for long, it may not be earth shattering, and it may not have a huge impact on people.
Then I started thinking about a book that I had started on a few years before. I had never finished the book because it just did not seem important enough. Books have always been amazingly influential in my life, and I really felt that my thoughts were important and unique, and that the world needed to hear them. Books have actually been around for hundreds of years, and people still learn from them. Then I decided that this really could be my contribution to society.
It is important that you find out what our true goals are. These goals are important things that will help to enrich the world around use. Even if we had all the money in the world, we would still want to work on our true goals, and they are also things that you can start working on right now. You see, if I would have gone with the computer project, then I would have taken time to get more learning and to make some more contacts as well. There are some goals that may take some preparation before we start the real work, and then we may have to actually find a different service to help us pay for our other obligations, even if the service we are providing is not even related to our goal.
Most people will find that they do need some kind of an income, even while they are at work on their true goals. However, if you can make your true goal into something that will help you bring income, this is even better. If you can find a way to make money with your true goal, more than likely you will be able to earn more money than you every dreamed of. Most rich people actually become rich because they are doings something they enjoy, and even after they have money they continue to do it.
First of all you need to figure out if there is anyone else that is making some money while pursuing a similar true goal. If you find someone, then you can follow in their footsteps. If you do not find anyone, you need to figure out how your goal will help to contribute to society. A goal that does not make a contribution is not actually a true goal. Most of the time a true goal will have something that people will pay for, and then you will just need to find out who will be willing to pay for it.
You will find that governments, churches, and even philanthropists actually pay to have good deeds done throughout the world. Some people will pay people to provide medical treatment to poor countries while others may pay someone to feed people who have no homes. In some cases you may find that your living expenses and salary will be paid while you are working on the preparation for your goal.
You may have a goal that is in the area of motivating people. In this case, usually the people you are going to motivate will pay you. There are speakers that give motivational speeches that people pay to attend. To get started towards this goal you may want to do some speaking for free at schools, homeless shelters, the YMCA, and even at missions. This will provide you with some great practice and also a good reputation as well, which will help you to land the engagements that will pay. You may also want to promote yourself by doing some appearances on local television channels as well.
Many true goals include providing services and products in the market. Many people have traveled this path before you, and with just a bit of research you can find out a great deal of how to pursue these true goals and how to make money as well. You can work out a system to make your service or your product better than ever before. Other systems may be created to keep track of all the various aspects of your business and what you need to do for certain people. Believe it or not, with just a bit of research, you may find a way to make your true goals lucrative and fulfilling.

“The secret of success is consistency of purpose” – Benjamin Disraeli

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