Friday, September 10, 2010


..."Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit," says the Lord
Almighty." - Zechariah 4:6

God's people should be the most positive, joyful people on earth. This
joy should be a by-product of a healthy, intimate relationship with
Jesus. In today's business climate, we are barraged with every possible
means of becoming more productive workplace believers. Positive thinking
and self-help philosophy are promoted as tools for workplace believers
to fulfill their potential and overcome the mountains in their lives.
God calls each of us to be visionary leaders, but we must be careful
that vision is born out of His Spirit, not the latest self-help program.
These ideas lead us away from dependence on God to a self-based
psychology designed to give us more power, prosperity, and significance.
The result is heresy. Our faith in God becomes faith in faith. It is
born out of hard work and diligence rather than obedience to God's
Spirit. The problem lies in that these philosophies sound good, and can
even be supported by Bible verses. Beware of anything that puts the
burden of performance on you rather than God. There are times in our
lives when God doesn't want us to climb every mountain. Sometimes He
wants us to go around. Knowing the difference is the key to being a man
or woman led by the Spirit.
God has called us to affect the workplace through His Spirit, not by our
might. Have you tapped into the real power source of the soul? Ask the
Lord to reveal and empower you through His Spirit today. Then you will
know what real positive thinking is.

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