Wednesday, June 23, 2010


"When Saul heard their words, the Spirit of God came upon him in power,
and he burned with anger." - 1 Samuel 11:6

There are occasions in which God justifies righteous anger. It is a type
of anger that does not lead to sin, but fulfills God's purposes.
Saul had just been crowned as the new king of Israel. His first battle
was upon him, and he had to bring a new nation together to fight the
Ammonites. The Spirit of God fell on Saul and resulted in righteous
anger against God's enemies. God led him to send an unusual
"direct-mail" package to all the regions where the people lived. He cut
up pieces of oxen and sent the pieces throughout Israel with a
warning-"Join the army or your oxen will be as these!"
Sometimes God uses strong measures to accomplish His purposes. In this
case, fear and intimidation were used to motivate the army of God to be
as one. God must have felt this is what was needed to drive this army to
become a unified force.
God knows the only way to achieve success is if the army is one. A house
divided cannot stand. What will it take to unify your company, your
church, and your family to be one? Unless you are one, you cannot win
the battles you will face. Ask God to make you and those you walk with
to be one in mission and one in spirit.

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