Wednesday, July 28, 2010


"The twenty-four elders fall down before Him who sits on the throne and
worship Him who lives forever and ever, and cast their crowns before the
throne." - Rev.4: 10.

Sometimes I'm overwhelmed by God's grace and mercy. As I dwell on His
exceeding goodness, praise often immerges from my heart and cascades off
of my lips, for He alone is worthy of all my benefits.
We should never forget that it was the Father's extraordinary love that
called us out of darkness into the light so that we may know Him and His
fellowship. God, alone, opened our eyes so that we could see the
necessity of our salvation. It was the Lord, our Provider, who imparted
to us the Holy Spirit so that we would have everything we need to live a
life of godliness. God needs no one to accomplish His purposes. Still,
He continues to show us His love by giving each of us a spiritual gift
so that we can experience true joy as we serve Him and others.
While God graciously allows us to be co-laborers with Him, still, He
does it all. In the Master's hand, we are only tools for accomplishing
His kingdom purposes. It is the Lord, who independently gives us new
life, purifies, and re-creates us. Yet, there are times when we steal
God's glory. We steal His glory when we take credit for a job well done,
while failing to acknowledge Him. We steal God's glory when we proclaim
the success of our achievements, while knowing apart from Him anything
we do is insignificant. At times, it is easy to keep the blessings for
ourselves instead of offering them back to the One to whom they belong.
I'm reminded of the Israelites as they traveled the desert. They were
desperately dependant on God for all their needs. Throughout their
journey, the Lord graciously provided for them. Their clothes and shoes
never wore out, and He even fed them bread from heaven.
The Israelites were instructed by God to gather only enough bread to eat
for each day. However, instead of trusting God to provide their daily
bread, some of them gathered extra. The next morning, they found that
the bread had rotted and was unfit to eat. Our blessings are like that.
If we hoard them for ourselves, they will only rot.
While it's acceptable to cheer for and encourage one another, don't
forget to rejoice with the Father as well. Offer a sacrifice of praise
to God for your blessings, because the victory is His alone. When we
offer Him praise with a grateful heart, He'll continue to pour victories
through us as we acknowledge the Victor. Otherwise, we will end up with
rotten blessings.
The Bible says that when we seek the praise of others, we have already
received our reward. Yet, there is a day coming when Christ shall return
bringing our rewards with Him for the good works we've done. If we have
already received our reward from men, then we won't receive His.
Wouldn't you rather acquire His reward than anything man can offer? I
know that I would! Besides, when we see our Lord face to face in heaven,
it will be our desire to bow down before the One who sits on the throne,
and with praise on our lips and gratitude in our hearts, cast all our
crowns before Him; for He alone is worthy of all our benefits.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


"Then the Lord said to Moses, "See, I have chosen Bezalel son of Uri, the
son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah, and I have filled him with the Spirit
of God, with skill, ability and knowledge in all kinds of crafts-to make
artistic designs for work in gold, silver and bronze, to cut and set
stones, to work in wood, and to engage in all kinds of craftsmanship." -
Exodus 31:1-5

Bezalel was called by God to perform a most important work for Him. I am
sure that Bezalel believed that he was naturally gifted with his hands
to make fine crafts with gold, silver, and bronze. He probably did not
associate it with God's work. But the Scripture tells us that God chose
him and filled him with God's Spirit to enable him.
Does God call men and women into their vocations to fulfill His purposes
- to fulfill that which needs to be accomplished throughout the world?
Have you ever thought about how many occupations there are in the world?
How did that balance of interest among each human throughout the world
happen? Did it just happen? Was it by chance that we have only so many
doctors, only so many accountants, only so many geologists?
Your interest in your vocation is not born of your own making. So many
workplace believers and even pastors have made the mistake of
encouraging us who have a deep desire to walk with Christ in the
workplace to pursue vocational ministry. To remove us from the workplace
where the greatest harvest is yet to occur would be to remove us from
where God called us. Do not take this bait. Serve the Lord in the
workplace where He has gifted you and called you.
Os Hillman said,"I almost made this same mistake when God drew me to Himself when I was 28 years old. I concluded that I must be called to be a pastor. I took
steps to fulfill this by leaving my job and entering a Bible school for
training. Upon completion, I took a job as an assistant pastor in a
church. But God's mercy allowed me to be removed from that position only
three months into it. I was "forced back into business," where God
wanted me in the first place. It was a great lesson. I was never cut out
to be a pastor in a church, but a "pastor" in the workplace."

Friday, July 23, 2010


Have you ever wished you could "begin again" financially? I once heard
a sermon by a noted pastor in which he read a poem called "The Land of
Beginning Again." The pastor then presented the claims of Christ,
explaining that He is King in the Land of Beginning Again. Each of us
has experienced his share of errors, failures, and missed
We all have things that we would do differently if given a second
chance. What wonderful news to know that, in Christ, the slate is wiped
clean and we do have the opportunity of beginning again.
In a similar fashion, many who have become weighed down by debt wish
they could get free. They have learned that the satisfaction that comes
with spending is brief indeed compared to the pressure of making
monthly payments, which often go on for years. For some, it seems hopeless. You
may sometimes feel this way yourself.
If so, take heart! You can make great strides this year. It will
require planning, discipline, sacrifice, and singleness of purpose, but it can
be done!
A friend of mine likes to say that the most powerful force in the
universe (humanly speaking, of course) is singleness of purpose.
Individuals or groups, no matter how determined, disciplined, or
talented, will never realize their potential for growth and
accomplishment without singleness of purpose. Their time, money, and
energies must be focused on common goals. One thing that successful
people seem to have in common is an emphasis -- perhaps that's putting
it too lightly, make that an obsession -- concerning setting goals.
Without singleness of purpose and specific goals, we can become like
the person described in Scripture as double-minded. "That man should not
think he will receive anything from the Lord; he is a double-minded
man,unstable in all he does" (James 1:7-8). So let me encourage you to
engage in a meaningful goal-setting exercise as you work to get
debt-free. Here are some suggestions for effective goal-setting in any
area of life; adapt them to your financial situation.
• Set goals that are consistent with God's Word. Many successful people
have accomplished much, yet remain unhappy. Having singleness of
purpose toward the wrong goals only leads to wrong results. Examine your
motivations, as well as your actions, in the light of God's wisdom.
• Ask God for His guidance. This is not the same as having Scripturally
sound goals. This has more to do with having the wisdom needed to set
the right personal priorities. God promises to guide us if we're
willing to submit to Him. It's not: "Show me Your will, Lord, so I can decide
if I'm willing." Rather, it's: "Before You even reveal Your will to me,
Lord, the answer is yes."
• If married, set your goals together. If two have become "one flesh,"
it's critical that they have a singleness of purpose in their
commitment toward common goals. Few areas will so quickly affect a couple's
relationship as a financial plan that limits their spending freedom
because it brings mutually conflicting goals into the open. If you
can't reach a meeting of the minds on what your priorities should be, perhaps
the marriage relationship itself needs some work.
• Put your goals in writing, signing your name and date. This act helps
cement in your thinking that you really have made a firm commitment of
your will to achieving your goals. It is also helpful to have your
goals posted where you will see them daily as additional motivation to stay
the course when the inevitable temptations to compromise arise.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


"For the Lord God is a sun and shield; the Lord bestows favor and honor;
no good thing does He withhold from those whose walk is blameless." - Psalm 84:11

If you were running for political office, what approach would your
opponent take against you? If he wanted to launch a smear campaign,
would there be any ammunition for him to use? Think how you would feel
if the director of the opposing campaign came to you afterwards and
said, "Sir, we tried to find something negative to play up in our
campaign against you, but we couldn't."
What does it really mean to be a person who is blameless before God?
Being blameless before God does not mean we are perfect. No human being
is perfect. It means that we so fully trust in God that we are willing
to make things right when we fail. We are willing to humble ourselves
continually before the throne of God. "...blessed is the man who trusts
in You" (Psalm 84:12).
God has a specific plan for the people who fully trust in Him. He
promises to be their shield, to bestow honor on them. He will not
withhold any good thing from them. What a promise! What motivation to be
all that we can be in God.
Imagine living a life that God views as blameless which allows Him to
withhold no good thing. Pray that God would make you and me that kind of

Monday, July 19, 2010


"Then the Lord said to Moses, "See, I have chosen Bezalel son of Uri, the
son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah, and I have filled him with the Spirit
of God, with skill, ability and knowledge in all kinds of crafts-to make
artistic designs for work in gold, silver and bronze, to cut and set
stones, to work in wood, and to engage in all kinds of craftsmanship."
Exodus 31:1-5

Bezalel was called by God to perform a most important work for Him. I am
sure that Bezalel believed that he was naturally gifted with his hands
to make fine crafts with gold, silver, and bronze. He probably did not
associate it with God's work. But the Scripture tells us that God chose
him and filled him with God's Spirit to enable him.
Does God call men and women into their vocations to fulfill His purposes
- to fulfill that which needs to be accomplished throughout the world?
Have you ever thought about how many occupations there are in the world?
How did that balance of interest among each human throughout the world
happen? Did it just happen? Was it by chance that we have only so many
doctors, only so many accountants, only so many geologists?
Your interest in your vocation is not born of your own making. So many
workplace believers and even pastors have made the mistake of
encouraging us who have a deep desire to walk with Christ in the
workplace to pursue vocational ministry. To remove us from the workplace
where the greatest harvest is yet to occur would be to remove us from
where God called us. Do not take this bait. Serve the Lord in the
workplace where He has gifted you and called you.

Friday, July 16, 2010


"All those who were in distress or in debt or discontented gathered
around him, and he became their leader. About four hundred men were
with him." - 1 Samuel 22:2

Have you ever felt that you could accomplish a whole lot more if you
had more talented people around you? Perhaps you are in an office and think
that some of your fellow workers don't quite measure up. Imagine what
David must have thought in the years following his anointing by the
prophet Samuel as the next king of Israel. He spent the next many years
running from King Saul. Now God was beginning to bring men to support
David. But what kind of men? The down-and-out. God gave David not the
elite or the sophisticated; He gave him those who were in debt and
discontented with life. David turned those men into the best fighting
men of their day. In fact, David never lost a battle during his entire
reign as king of Israel-quite a feat for a bunch of no-name, lowlifes!
Some of those men became an elite group known as David's Mighty Men.
These were the elite of the elite, the Navy Seals, the Few Good Men,
the Green Berets. Whatever you call them, they were exceptional warriors.
Jesus took a few men who weren't exactly the cream of the crop either.
He built His life into these men, which resulted in 12 men who turned
the world upside down. Are you one of God's mighty men or women? Are
you investing your life to build other mighty men or women? David and Jesus
set the example of what can be done when we invest in others. God does
extraordinary things through men who have an extraordinary God. Ask God
to use your life to be a mighty man or woman for a cause greater than
yourself. He delights in such prayers.

Monday, July 12, 2010


The Lord hardened the heart of Pharaoh king of Egypt, so that he
pursued the Israelites, who were marching out boldly. - (Exodus 14:8)

Overprotective parents do their children a great injustice. The
caterpillar that lies inside the cocoon will never become the
beautiful butterfly if someone cuts open the cocoon prematurely.
It is the struggle itself that allows the butterfly to emerge as
a strong, new creature of nature.
God understands how necessary this process is. That is why we are
allowed to experience difficult, often life-changing events. He
even orchestrates them-all for our benefit. What the Israelites
thought was a cruel joke when Pharaoh sent troops to pursue them
after they had been freed and penned against the shore of the Red
Sea became the stage for the most publicized miracle of all
time-the parting of the Red Sea. Generation after generation has
heard this incredible story of deliverance. God puts us against
the "Red Seas" in order to show His power in and through us. If
we do not know God can deliver, then we can never learn to trust
Him. Circumstances that go beyond our capabilities of solving
them place us at God's complete mercy. This is how He likes it.
Do not fear the calamity that comes your way. If you are faithful
to Him in the test, you will see God's power manifested like
never before. Just as the Israelites were able to sing a song of
deliverance, you too will have your own testimony of the Lord's
faithfulness; and you will be able to recall it for others to
build your faith and theirs.


The Lord hardened the heart of Pharaoh king of Egypt, so that he
pursued the Israelites, who were marching out boldly. - (Exodus 14:8)

Overprotective parents do their children a great injustice. The
caterpillar that lies inside the cocoon will never become the
beautiful butterfly if someone cuts open the cocoon prematurely.
It is the struggle itself that allows the butterfly to emerge as
a strong, new creature of nature.
God understands how necessary this process is. That is why we are
allowed to experience difficult, often life-changing events. He
even orchestrates them-all for our benefit. What the Israelites
thought was a cruel joke when Pharaoh sent troops to pursue them
after they had been freed and penned against the shore of the Red
Sea became the stage for the most publicized miracle of all
time-the parting of the Red Sea. Generation after generation has
heard this incredible story of deliverance. God puts us against
the "Red Seas" in order to show His power in and through us. If
we do not know God can deliver, then we can never learn to trust
Him. Circumstances that go beyond our capabilities of solving
them place us at God's complete mercy. This is how He likes it.
Do not fear the calamity that comes your way. If you are faithful
to Him in the test, you will see God's power manifested like
never before. Just as the Israelites were able to sing a song of
deliverance, you too will have your own testimony of the Lord's
faithfulness; and you will be able to recall it for others to
build your faith and theirs.

Friday, July 9, 2010


No one wants to be an alcoholic. No one says, "Do you know what? When I
get older I think I'll be a drug addict." No one wants to have an anger
problem. No man gets married and wants to hit his children or his wife.
No one who suffers from depression or oppression wants to be that way.
However, if you look further into the situation, you usually find out
through counseling that their mother was like that, their father was
like that. This is a generational curse.
We recently had a "Freedom Service" in our church. We prayed
specifically for people to break the generational curses on their
One woman testified that as child, her mother would beat her and hit
her on the head. Now as a mother, she does the same thing to her child, and
her little girl is doing the same thing to her doll.
Maybe you've inherited a family curse or maybe the curse has begun with
you. Either way, God has a plan for your freedom that will shatter the
chains of that cycle forever! It will stop it in your life and stop it
from passing on to your children!
The word of the Lord came to me again, saying, "What do you mean when
you use this proverb concerning the land of Israel, saying: 'The
have eaten sour grapes, and the children's teeth are set on edge'?
"As I live," says the LORD GOD, "you shall no longer use this proverb
Israel. Behold, all souls are mine; the soul of the father as well as
the soul of the son is mine" (Ezekiel 18:1-4).
You can be free! John 8:31-36 reminds us that as we abide in Jesus
Christ, we receive His freedom. Not only has Jesus set us free from our
sins, He has set us free from the penalty, the moral liability, and the
ongoing curse of that sin! Jesus Christ is the Anointed One. That means
He is the burden-removing, yoke-destroying power of God in our lives.
There's going to come a time when the fathers may eat sour grapes, but
the children's teeth will not be set on edge, when the curse will not
be passed down from generation to generation. It doesn't have to be "like
father, like son." Through the shed blood of Jesus Christ, we have a
new and better covenant with God the Father. Through Jesus' blood, He
forgives us our sin and delivers us from iniquity.
God has redeemed us from the curses being passed on from one generation
to the next. This redemption comes as we understand that the root of
our problems is in the spiritual realm. As we apply God's Word and power to
our lives, and we choose to walk in righteousness and obedience to God,
the chains of bondage will be broken. The freedom we have longed for
can become reality!

Becoming the Very Thing We Hate
There have been many studies conducted to determine why behavior
patterns are passed from one generation to the next. As we have
discussed earlier, evidence shows that astounding numbers of people
with negative behavior patterns produce children with the same negative
behavior patterns. The government is trying desperately to determine
why and how this happens and to develop ways to break the cycle. Does the
answer lie in the study of the genes? Can we find the answer in the
study of the environment in which we grow up?
No. The answer lies in the study of the Word of God. The Bible tells us
there are generational curses that are passed from one generation to
the next. Thank God, Jesus has provided a way to not only break the cycle
in our lives, but to stop it from passing on to our children.
How many of you faced things as a child and now, today, your children
are facing the same things with you as the adult? We swore we would
never be like that, but we have become the very thing we hated. We want
to change, but we can't. We can relate to Paul when he wrote: "For what
I am doing, I do not understand. For what I will to do, that I do not
practice; but what I hate that I do" (Romans 7:15).
Breaking the Bondage
When I was a drug addict, even though I hated it, I would stick that
needle in my arm over and over again. I was bound by drugs and
controlled by the needle. I went from being an athlete in college
sports to a drug addict living in a deserted shack far out in the woods. Every
dollar I could beg, borrow, or steal was spent to put drugs in my
My money was gone, my health was gone, my life was gone, and I hated
myself. I wanted to change. I had a desire to change. But in myself, I
had no power to change.
Many people ask me, "How did you do it, Larry? How did you change your
life?" I'll tell them how. There are three steps to breaking a
generational curse.
"Do not marvel that I said to you, 'you must be born again'" (John
The real turning point in my life came when I gave my life to Jesus. I
didn't just decide to turn over a new leaf to be a better person. The
Lord changed me from the inside out. Unfortunately the term "born
has been so overused and abused that it has lost its impact. Repeat it
to yourself slowly: "born again." Let the meaning sink into your heart
and mind as though you were hearing it for the first time.
When we are born again, Jesus gives us a chance to start life all over
again. He is not giving us a religion, He is giving us a relationship -
a living and vital relationship with the Almighty God of the universe.
And this is just the beginning of our miracle! In Genesis 17:1 God told
Abraham, I am Almighty God. Think about this for a moment. He is not
"partial-mighty," not "somewhat-mighty," but "ALL-mighty." He is God
with a capital "G."
We come to God through His Son Jesus Christ, whose name is above all
names. His name is greater than any other thing that is named. That
means the name of Jesus is above drugs, violence, alcohol, hatred -
anything and everything that torments us. And all power is available to
us through Jesus Christ to destroy every bondage and burden in our
lives. That is what God does for us! He forgives us our sins and He
sets us free. Jesus died so we could live. He shed His blood so we could be
The blood of Jesus removes our sin. When we apply the blood of Jesus to
our lives, we are using the weapon God has given us to destroy the
power of the enemy. We can now move in victory. One of the truths we need to
understand is that the moment we receive Jesus Christ as our savior,
every sin we have ever committed is gone, washed away by the blood
Jesus shed on Calvary. I don't care if we were raised in a church pew or
raised in a prison cell, it is the same for every person -- every sin
we have committed is gone as though it was never, ever done.
The sin that is washed away by the blood of Jesus is as if it has never
been committed. That is what it means to be born again: to be made new
by the power of the blood of Jesus; you are just as if you had never
"For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for
pulling down strongholds" (2 Corinthians 10:4).
Most Christians know and can quote this verse, but they do not know
what those weapons of spiritual warfare are. Quoting Scripture does no good
if we do not understand what it means. But if we do, the Word of God is
one of the most powerful weapons we have to fight the enemy. People
often say, "The truth will make you free," but that is not the complete
scripture. Read that together with the rest of the verse, and you shall
know the truth, and the truth shall make you free (John 8:32).
It is the truth that you know and understand that will set you free.
The problems we face are spiritual problems. Anger is a spiritual
problem, addiction is a spiritual problem, depression is a spiritual
problem, racism is a spiritual problem. Abortion is not a political
problem, it is a spiritual problem. It is a sign of a spiritual
temperature and is a condition of our nation. We are in a war that is
spiritual and the war won't be won through carnal means, but through
spiritual means. Be strong in the Lord and in His power.
"Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of his
Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against
wiles of the devil" (Ephesians 6:10-11).
Webster's Dictionary tells us the word "wiles" is from the word
"stratagems" from which we get the word "strategies" as in battle and
warfare. In other words, we are to put on God's armor in order to stand
against the strategies that the devil brings against our lives.
"For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against
principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of
this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places"
(Ephesians 6:13).
The government is not our enemy. The people down the road or across the
street aren't your enemies. Your ex-husband or your ex-wife is not your
enemy. Your in-laws or your "out-laws" aren't your enemy. Your enemy is
a spiritual enemy.
"Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to
withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand" (Ephesians
The promise to us is that when we have on the armor of God and the
devil attacks us, we will be able to defeat him, not in our own power or by
our own might, but in the power of God. But how many Christians get up
every morning and put on the armor of God? Did you put on each piece of
armor today?
We should begin our day by saying, "I gird my loins with truth. I put
on the breastplate of righteousness. I put on the helmet of salvation. I
take the shield of faith and hold it before me. I shod my feet with the
preparation of the gospel of peace. I take in my hand the sword of the
Spirit, which is the Word of God, so I am fully prepared for the day"
(See Ephesians 6:14-17).
Most Christians go into battle naked. The word of God says that
Christians are at war, yet we don't put on the armor of God every day
and we aren't armed with spiritual weapons for spiritual battle.
Imagine a real army in a real war. The enemy's troops have tanks, bombers, and
fighters, but we send our troops into battle naked, defenseless, and
unarmed. If we going to win this spiritual war, we must learn how to
put on the armor of God and fight.
We are not given the weapons of warfare so we can draw little Jesus
soldiers for the children's Sunday school room, but so we can engage in
spiritual warfare and win. You are in a war against the enemy of your
soul right now. You will be in a war tomorrow, and you will be in a war
the next day. You are in a war until you die or until Jesus returns. So
prepare yourself with the Word of God, and learn to put on the armor.
God made each one of us with a free will with which to make decisions
and to live up to them. He intends for us to exercise that will for our
own good. We are challenged by a society that encourages us to live
without restraints. We are urged to do whatever feels good, to walk
away from commitments that no longer meet our needs, to develop addictions
of every kind, and to please ourselves at any cost.
In our schools today, kids are taught to "just say no" to drugs. Thank
God for any attempt to keep kids away from drugs, but in spite of all
their efforts, drug use is still on the rise. In their own strength,
it's not easy to "just say no."
Our will sets the direction for our lives. If we are influenced by the
world's slack standards and a lack of personal accountability, our will
is weakened and our ability to make godly decisions is hindered. Every
one of us has experienced the inner battle of knowing what is the right
thing to do and being unable to do it. We read in Matthew 26:41 the
words of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane, "The spirit indeed is
willing, but the flesh is weak." Jesus knows what we are made of.
Our weaknesses are not a surprise or a disappointment to God. He has
known it all along and He made His provision for our will in His plan
of redemption. As we have seen, through Adam, we lost the willpower to say
'no' to sin in the Garden of Eden, but through Jesus, what we lost -
our willpower to say 'no' to sin - was redeemed in the Garden of
No longer do we have to be like puppets on a string, unable to control
our own actions. When Jesus shed His blood, He bought back our
willpower: Through the blood of Jesus, we can say, "NO!" 'No' to drugs.
'No' to alcohol. 'No' to anger. 'No' to violence. 'No' to whatever has
kept us bound. We can be free!
If you will make up your mind that with God's supernatural power you
will change your course, change your thinking, and change your habits,
then there is nothing you can't do!
"Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we
ask or think, according to the power that works in us" (Ephesians
God has equipped you from within so you have His strength to do what
you know is right. The things you never thought you could change, the life
you never thought you could have - God will do exceedingly abundantly
above all you could ask or think to give you that life! Through Jesus,
the generational curse that has held you and your family in bondage can
be broken. - TODAY!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


"Woe to the obstinate children," declares the Lord, "to those who carry
out plans that are not Mine, forming an alliance, but not by My Spirit,
heaping sin upon sin; who go down to Egypt without consulting Me; who
look for help to Pharaoh's protection, to Egypt's shade for refuge."
Isaiah 30:1-2

Have you ever entered a business relationship with someone you knew you
were not supposed to? Throughout the history of Israel, the people were
called to come out of an old way of life. Egypt represented that old
way; when things got tough, the Israelites reverted to what was
comfortable. They always knew they could take a trip to Egypt and find
what they lacked. Perhaps this was their reasoning: "If we can't get it
accomplished under the new way, why not go back to the way we used to do
it? At least we know we can get it there."
When God calls us into a walk of faith, we can expect to be tested in
this walk. If we enter into alliances that God has not ordained, it
will only bring heartache. Such was the case for Israel. "But Pharaoh's
protection will be to your shame, Egypt's shade will bring you disgrace"
(Is. 30:3).
Beware what you perceive as an alliance that may advance your business.
It may actually bring you great distress if God has not directed you to
align it. Ask yourself what the motive is behind this possible alliance.
Make sure that it is not based on fear or a quick fix. Get confirmation
that God is leading you to make such an alliance. Then you will not end
up in the way of Israel, experiencing shame and disgrace.

Monday, July 5, 2010


"One man gives freely, yet gains even more; another withholds unduly, but
comes to poverty. A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others
will himself be refreshed." - Proverbs 11:24-25

One of the reasons God entrusts money to us is to bless other Christians
by meeting their needs. God uses the transfer of money within the Body
of Christ to build unity among Christians. Sometimes we withhold money
that God has designated for someone else. He wants to bless through us,
but His will cannot be accomplished through us if we are disobedient.
This was the case for a business owner who tells of the time when God
told him to forego a company bonus one year. God directed him to share
his year-end bonus with an employee to show his appreciation for him. He
wrestled with God for three full days before obeying the Lord on the
matter. When he finally met with the employee to give him his check, the
man said he had been praying about a financial need he had three days
earlier. He had decided to borrow the money to meet his need. The amount
of money he borrowed was the exact amount the business owner gave him.
God had already planned to provide for the employee through the business
owner, but because he was hesitant, he almost missed the opportunity to
be an instrument of God in this man's life. Even so, he could have
prevented the man from having to borrow money. It was an important
lesson for the business owner.
How many people do we let down because we feel the "harvest" God
provides is all ours? In America, the pressure is always on to move up
the ladder of material accumulation. Jesus warned us about this. If our
focus is on accumulation, we will not look for opportunities to be God's
vessels of financial blessing to others. Ask the Lord if you have an
open hand when it comes to finances.

Friday, July 2, 2010


..."I tell you the truth, I have not found anyone in Israel with such
great faith." - Matthew 8:10

The centurion came to Jesus and told Him of his servant who was
paralyzed and in terrible suffering. He came to Jesus because he
believed He could heal him. He told Jesus of the matter, and Jesus was
willing to come with the centurion. But the centurion would not have
He knew that Jesus, being under the authority of Heaven itself, did not
have to see the servant to help him. The centurion understood
He understood that he himself had certain rights that his position
granted him to have power over situations and people. He also was a man
under authority. The centurion understood Jesus' position and what
power that position held in Heaven - the power to heal his servant if He
chose to exercise that authority.
When Jesus saw that the centurion understood this principle of
authority and that He did not have to visit the servant to heal him, He
acknowledged the centurion's faith. Jesus knew it took great faith to
understand authority and whether He had the authority to do what was
being asked.
God has placed a system of authority in our world that requires faith
to operate under its boundaries: fathers over sons and daughters,
employers over employees, government leaders over the people, church leaders over
church members. These are authority structures God has placed in our
lives to protect and guide us to His will. Some confuse position with
worthiness or qualifications of that position. It is the position that
God works through. The fact that an authority may not be a Christian
may have no bearing on whether God can work through him as your authority.
It is only when that authority counsels against a biblical mandate that
we should not follow that person's guidance. The hand of the king is in
the hand of God.
Today, we find few who understand this system of authority God has
ordained. It requires great faith to operate in this realm. Yet Jesus
said that when we understand this, we demonstrate the kind of faith
that He rarely sees. Be a person of rare faith. See the authorities placed
in your life as those God is using to protect you.