Wednesday, December 31, 2008


"Blessed are you, O Israel! Who is like you, a people saved by the Lord? He is your shield and helper and your glorious sword. Your enemies will cower before you, and you will trample down their high places." - Deuteronomy 33:29

One of the most successful movies of our time has been Star Wars, a futuristic movie where the forces of good battle the forces of evil in a far-off galactic solar system. In order for the forces of good to win their battle, they must enter the airspace of their enemies and find the central power source inside the enemy space station. Their fighter jets must locate this central nervous system and fire a laser missile into its heart in order to destroy the power source. The final scene shows the hero sending a last-minute laser missile into the power source and blowing up the space station and all the evil characters who live on it.Throughout history, cultures have recognized idols on the high places, on the tops of hills or mountains, as their power sources. God said these high places are an abomination to Him. When God brought the people of Israel into the Promised Land, He instructed them to destroy all the high places. Many times through history, God had to judge Israel for their failure to destroy the high places.Today, every major cult or evil spirit has its own high place that must be destroyed first before a righteous foundation can be laid. It may not mean you can physically destroy this high place, but you can tear it down through spiritual warfare and intercessory prayer.High places are anything that is elevated above God and is worshiped. Are there any high places that take the place of God in your life? Are there any high places where you live that must be dealt with through spiritual warfare to allow the Kingdom of God to reign? You must destroy the high places in order for God to reign completely. Ask God to show you the high places so that you can elevate the one true God.

Monday, December 29, 2008


“ And it came to pass in the seven and thirtieth year of the captivity of Jehoiachin king of Judah, in the twelfth month, in the five and twentieth day of the month, that evil-merodach king of Babylon in the first year of his reign lifted up the head of Jehoiachin king of Judah, and brought him forth out of prison, And spake kindly unto him, and set his throne above the throne of the kings that were with him in Babylon, And changed his prison garments: and he did continually eat bread before him all the days of his life. And for his diet, there was a continual diet given him of the king of Babylon, every day a portion until the day of his death, all the days of his life”. - Jeremiah 52:31-34.

To all readers and visitors to this web site I want to share with you the significance of the Christmas day, it is a special day Jesus Christ was born into this world to deliver mankind from his sinful way. I have studied the weather pattern over the years of that particular day the firmaments bear witness to this unique day across all countries and tribes. There is a glory over the surface of the earth while some are having snow, others fog, or harmattan haze.
In the text above King Jehoiachin of Judah was delivered on a Christmas day (in the twelfth month in the five and twentieth day of the month) hundred of years before Jesus was born. Seven significant events will happen in your life on this particular glorious day.
1. Your head will be lifted. You may have been experiencing downward trend in your life, marriage, business and workplace, you will no longer be the tail but the head. God is about changing your situation for the better because Jesus came into the world this same day to deliver you. Everyone that sees you as nobody will begin to see you as somebody very special your head will no longer be bowed but be lifted high.
2. You will be brought out of prison. Some people have been bounded without freedom under bondage of their task masters for quite sometime, you will be set free now just like those that set up Daniel into the lion’s pit, your prisoners will replace you in the prison while you will be set free, Jesus will liberate you and grant you permanent freedom.
3. You will be spoken kindly of. People have used their tongue to describe you negative. God will change their tongue and they will begin to speak well of you, they have said you are useless, good for nothing, cannot make it, never do well, under achiever all this negative qualities they describe you with they will no longer see you that way any more. A change for the better in you they will begin to see and speak of.
4. Your throne above the throne of the kings. You are meant to be a king because the son of a king is also a king, but you reign like a slave, God will dethrone everyone sitting on your throne and enthrone where you belong, to rule and reign in Christ Jesus.
5. Your garment will be changed. The garment you put on which has become a filthy rag casting aspersions at you. The way you dress is the way you will be addressed, you were addressed badly everywhere you turn to, today your garment or robe will change and as a king a sign of royalty is the kings garment. God is removing your present garment and replacing it with a new one.
6. You will continually eat bread. You may be lacking a daily bread but the great provider is already here to provide the bread you will eat all the days of your life. Every lack will be turned to abundance in your life because Jesus was born on this day like no other day.
7. You will be given a continual diet all the days until death. A diet is a food with all essential ingredients needed for growth and development. You might having lacking the essential nutrients needed for you to succeed and become great God is going to provide to you this day those nourishments needed by you for life.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008


"For He repays man according to his work, And makes man to find a reward according to his way." (Job 34:11 NKJV)

There is a belief held by many in the body of Christ that says "If I'm not doing something that has an inherent spiritual value, then it has no value at all." This sacred/secular dichotomy impacts believers everyday as they go into their secular workplace. They believe what their secular work is simply a means of supporting the real ministry carried out by local churches, ministers, missionaries, and vocational ministries.
However, this has no biblical basis. Some of the most important leaders in the early church had secular jobs. And, they did not see them as jobs only to support other ministry. They considered their own jobs as ministry.
Consider Dorcus (also known as Tabitha), who was a clothing manufacturer who was "abounding with deeds of kindness and charity, which she continually did."(Acts 9:36)
When Dorcus died it was immediately brought to the attention of Peter which tells us she was very important to the early church leaders. "Peter went with them, and when he arrived he was taken upstairs to the room. All the widows stood around him, crying and showing him the robes and other clothing that Dorcus had made while she was still with them" (Acts 9:39). Dorcus was known equally for her business as well as her ministry among the people. However, she was about to be known for being raised from the dead!
"Peter sent them all out of the room; then he got down on his knees and prayed. Turning toward the dead woman, he said, 'Tabitha, get up.' She opened her eyes, and seeing Peter she sat up. He took her by the hand and helped her to her feet. Then he called the believers and the widows and presented her to them alive. This became known all over Joppa, and many people believed in the Lord" (Acts 9:40-42).
What type of ministry in the workplace do you suppose Dorcus had after this event? Dorcus is a great reminder for every worker in the secular marketplace that "He repays man according to his work, and makes man to find a reward according to his way."

Monday, December 22, 2008


"You shall call, and I will answer You; You shall desire the work of Your hands ".(Job 14:15 NKJV).
Did you know that God has already pre-wired you for the work He created you to do? We all have things inside of us that excite us when we think about it. God is the source of this passion. However, our career path may require many stepping stones before we reach the work that we were ultimately created for. The psalmist says "All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be" (Ps 139:16).
When the ark of the covenant was to be designed to contain the sacred ten commandments, God prepared a man to perform the important work.
"Then the LORD said to Moses, 'See, I have chosen Bezalel son of Uri, the son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah, and I have filled him with the Spirit of God, with skill, ability and knowledge in all kinds of crafts -- to make artistic designs for work in gold, silver and bronze, to cut and set stones, to work in wood, and to engage in all kinds of craftsmanship'" (Ex 31:1-6).
We do not know much about Bezalel, but you can be sure he had many jobs leading up to this most important assignment. He was also the first man mentioned in all of scripture to be "filled with the spirit of God."
When your work is empowered by the Spirit of God you will be hand-picked for some of the most important assignments. He says the skilled worker will even serve before kings (Prov. 22:9). God will see to it that your skills will be used for His ultimate purposes. This is the call of God for each of us -- to be fulfilled in our work and to use our work to fulfill His purposes on the earth.
He seals the hand of every man, that all men may know His work (Job 37:7 NKJV).

Friday, December 19, 2008


'The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit. "Proverbs 18:21

Words have the power to motivate or destroy, energize or deflate, inspire or create despair. Many successful executives can remember the time their father failed to give affirmation to them as a child. The result was either overachievement to prove their worth, or underachievement to prove he was right. Many a wife has lost her ability to love because of a critical husband. Many a husband has left a marriage because of words of disrespect and ungratefulness. Stories abound regarding the power of words. There are just as many stories of those who have been encouraged, challenged, and comforted with words that made a difference in their lives. Jesus knew the power of words. He used parables to convey His principles of the Kingdom of God. He used words of forgiveness and mercy. He used words to challenge. He used words to inspire His disciples to miraculous faith. Do your words give life? Do they inspire and challenge others to greatness? Who does God want you to encourage through your words today? Affirm someone close to you today.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


"He trains my hands for battle; my arms can bend a bow of bronze." 2 Samuel 22:35

David was a mighty warrior, and God described him as a man after His own heart. God took David through a training ground that could be looked on as cruel and unusual punishment by many a person. God chose him at a young age to be the next king, yet King Saul rejected him and hunted him down. David was a fugitive for many years. He had uprisings in his own family, and he had relationship problems. He had a life of extreme ups and downs. He certainly did not have a life free of problems; he made mistakes. He was human like all of us, yet he learned from his mistakes and repented when he failed. This was David's training ground; it made the man. Without these hardships, it is doubtful David would have accomplished what he did. Toward the end of David's life, he recounted his relationship with God. It is a sermon on God's ways of dealing with a servant leader. It is God who arms me with strength and makes my way perfect. He makes my feet like the feet of a deer; He enables me to stand on the heights. He trains my hands for battle; my arms can bend a bow of bronze. You give me Your shield of victory; You stoop down to make me great. You broaden the path beneath me, so that my ankles do not turn (2 Samuel 22:33-37). God was David's source for everything. God gave him the ability to achieve the many extraordinary things in his life. It was a lifelong training ground that moved him from one plateau to another, often dropping into a ravine of despair and hopelessness from time to time. These are God's ways. They drive us deeper and deeper into the heart of Him who has prepared a way for us. Let God take you to the heights or depths He desires for you. He never promised smooth sailing during the trip, but He did promise to be the captain and companion along the way.

Monday, December 15, 2008


"After Job had prayed for his friends, the LORD made him prosperous again and gave him twice as much as he had before" (Job 42:10).

Have you ever been wrongly judged? Have you ever had people assume there was sin in your life because of the troubles you may have experienced? Or perhaps they judged your motives as wrong. What if the people judging you were your closest friends?
This was exactly what happened in the life of Job. His friends did not understand how a godly person could ever go through his degree of adversity his unless God was judging him for his sin. However, his friends were wrong and God intervened. "I am angry with you and your two friends, because you have not spoken of me what is right, as my servant Job has," said God to Job's three friends.
Nothing has really changed after thousands of years. I recall going through a seven year "Job" experience. Friends in the marketplace could not understand why I would experience such calamity unless I had made poor choices. Those in the Church often wrongly equated trouble with sin. Sometimes this can be true, but often trouble is simply a consequence of a call on one's life such as Joseph and the apostle Paul experienced.
Joseph was required to forgive his brothers. Jesus was required to forgive Judas and the disciples for betrayal. You and I are required to forgive those who wrongfully judge us.
This forgiveness is often THE most important step in gaining restoration in our own lives. The scripture above reveals that it was not until Job prayed for his friends that he was restored in the things he had lost.
Is there someone in your life you need to forgive? It may be the missing piece of your puzzle for restoration.

Friday, December 12, 2008


"His pleasure is not in the strength of the horse, nor His delight in the legs of a man; the Lord delights in those who fear Him, who put their hope in His unfailing love." Psalm 147:10

Mammon and power are the ruling strongholds of the workplace. If you possess either of these, then you will be courted by those who serve the workplace in hopes of increasing market share. It is a competitive environment that often gives way to decisions and actions that are dictated by the financial bottom line. A recent newspaper article stated that employers are requiring workers to put more time into their jobs, often requiring weekend work in order to be more competitive. For the Christian worker, this brings pressures on the family and will result in "lost market share" in the spiritual realm. The Lord has a different measuring stick. The Lord is not impressed with your ability or what you can do for Him. Only one thing delights Him-people who fear Him and put their hope in His unfailing love. What does it mean to fear God and place our hope in His love? It means we acknowledge that God is the source of all that we are. He is the one who gives us the ability to work, plan, and execute. He does not want us to look to our abilities, but to His abilities.
Sometimes it is difficult to balance these two perspectives. However, if we ask God to show us how to maintain this balance, He will do it. Put your hope in His unfailing love today. Then you will know that your heavenly Father is looking on you as a proud Father.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


"During the reign of David, there was a famine for three successive years; so David sought the face of the Lord. " - 2 Samuel 21:1a

There was a famine in the land, and David equated that famine to the blessing or lack of blessing from God. He sought God to know why there was a famine. The Lord did not take long to answer: "It is on account of Saul and his blood-stained house; it is because he put the Gibeonites to death" (2 Sam. 21:1b). Many years earlier, when Joshua entered the Promised Land, the Israelites were tricked by the Gibeonites into believing they were travelers when they were actually enemies of Israel. The Gibeonites tricked Israel into making a peace treaty with them. It was one of the first major mistakes Israel made after entering the Promised Land. As a result of the peace treaty, the Gibeonites were kept as slaves to Israel. This was never God's intention for Israel. He had wanted Israel to destroy all their enemies, but they made an error in judgment that required that they honor a covenant with the Gibeonites. Saul made a decision to disregard this covenant with the Gibeonites and sought to annihilate them. David sensed there was something preventing God's blessing on Israel. As a nation they had violated a covenant made before God. Now they were reaping the consequences. There are two things we can learn from this story.
First, when we make a covenant, God expects us to fulfill it. God is a covenant maker. He made one with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. He made one with each of us through Jesus Christ. The Scriptures are numerous regarding the importance of honoring our commitments.
Second, God is a very longsuffering God. He gave Israel many years of grace before He exercised judgment for their sin. However, there always comes a day when God must uphold His standard of righteousness. Are you failing to walk in God's blessing due to some failed commitment? Calamities can befall us for many reasons; sin can be one of them. In the case of Israel, David had to make things right with the Gibeonites. When he did this, God removed the famine, and Israel again was prosperous. When you feel you lack God's blessing on your life, ask the Lord if there are any past - generation sins that you may need to repent of. He may be waiting on us before He can release His blessing on our lives.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


"God looks down from heaven on the sons of men to see if there are anywho understand, any who seek God. Psalms 53:2

"Are you coming to the conference?" I asked my friend."I really don't understand why I should come to this. How can I reallybenefit?" was his response. At that moment, I realized that I waswasting my time with this man on whom I had invested much throughout hisChristian walk. He was often like a roller coaster-up one minute, downthe next."You simply aren't hungry enough," I commented to my friend.Whenever someone must always rationalize and examine whether the thingsof God are beneficial to them, you know that they are not hungry enoughfor God. I recall one time when I was in a difficult place. I receivedan audiotape from a man who gave me some insights into my problem. I washungry enough to book a flight to a city 500 miles away just to meet himand find out more. My finances were at a very low point, so it took somereal faith to do this. That meeting turned out to be a divineappointment and became a turning point in my life.God is looking for men and women who hunger to know Him. When we believethat we know all we need to know, we are in a dangerous place. God hasplaced men and women in the Body of Christ who have had differentexperiences and gifts that can be helpful in our own spiritualpilgrimages. It requires humility of heart to realize that we can learnfrom others. We can easily rationalize our business pressures and timecommitments to discount such opportunities.

Monday, December 1, 2008


"Can we find anyone like this man, one in whom is the spirit of God?" (Gen 41:38).

I often get resumes` from people wanting to come to work for us. They think that because we are a Christian organization the pressures and the environment will be so much better than the place where they work. That may be true, but there is a danger in this view.
The Bible says that God has defined the place and time in which we are to live. "LORD, you have assigned me my portion and my cup; you have made my lot secure. The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance" (Ps 16:5-6).
God has uniquely gifted you to bring His presence and power in the area of your calling. Once you begin to realize this, God will use you just as He did Joseph with his employer, Pharaoh. Your life should be a testimony of the power, creativity, and servant-hood of Jesus that it impacts your employer to the degree that he says the same thing Pharaoh said about Joseph: "Can we find anyone like this man, one in whom is the Spirit of God?"
When God accomplishes this in your life He gives you authority in your workplace. You will begin to see others drawn to you. You may begin to be ostracized as well. This too is part of your call. Do not fear this. Embrace it.
We should not be seeking to remove ourselves from the pressure cooker of life, but use that pressure cooker to reveal the power and grace of God through our lives to others. It is here that we will receive our inheritance as we fulfill our purposes in and through our work life call.
Today, ask God to give you supernatural wisdom and discernment to express the Spirit of God through you to your employer.

Friday, November 28, 2008


"She had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord's feet listening to what he said" (Luke 10:39-40).

A story is told of a western missionary group that was sitting with a foreign visitor planning strategy for an upcoming evangelistic trip to his country. One man led in prayer, asking for God's help in planning their activities. The visitor was surprised how the meeting quickly moved to the planning phase after only a few minutes of focused prayer.
He turned to the leader and said, "You have taught us the scriptures well in our country. However, I've noticed when it comes to prayer you spend so little time in prayer listening and much time in planning." The western believers were convicted by his words.
Martha was Mary's older sister. Older sisters always think they know best. They tend to mother the younger siblings. So when Jesus came over to spend an evening at their home Martha wanted to prepare a special meal. She noticed Mary was spending all her time in the living room listening to Jesus. Martha finally felt compelled to appeal to Jesus about the situation.
"But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made. She came to him and asked, 'Lord, don't you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me!' 'Martha, Martha,' the Lord answered, 'you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her'" (Luke 10:40-42).
Jesus reveals a danger in this story that each of us must be aware of. When our concern for serving Jesus exceeds our need to be with Jesus, we are in danger of focusing on the lesser thing. The hardest thing to do for most workplace believers is to sit and listen. It is easier to do.
Today, begin to spend more time listening before you begin doing.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

FOR ONLY $19.95

"His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness" (2 Peter 1:3-4).

During my career in advertising I worked with many well known companies such as American Express and Steinway Pianos. We also created direct response TV commercials for different kinds of products. A direct response TV commercial is a television commercial that offers a product or service via a free call. We learned that the "magic" price point for a product was $19.95. Anything over this would significantly reduce response.
Another key to success was that the product had to be able to demonstrate an ability to solve a felt need by the viewer. Household items that could solve a problem that most people experienced or improved their ability to perform a task were the most successful. Advertising allowed viewers to gain knowledge about a product that could solve a problem. Without this knowledge they would never know such a product existed.
Advertising is usually designed to appeal to people's wants versus their needs. What we perceive is a need is often simply a want. Peter tells us that the Gospel provides every believer divine power to receive what we need for life and godliness. One way we access this power is through our knowledge of Him.
The Bible says the "truth shall make you free" (Jn 8:32). When we know what Christ has provided to us we are able to tap into it. We are able to access what He has provided to meet a need or access a solution to a problem. However, if you do not study the scriptures daily, you will never know what is available to you. This would be like receiving a check for a million dollars but never cashing it because you didn't know you had to. Knowing what to do would allow you to access the money.
Make a commitment to study God's Word daily and spend time reflecting on His work in your life. Then, you will experience freedom because you will discover what Peter means when he says "the truth shall make you free."

Monday, November 24, 2008


"He brought me out into a spacious place; He rescued me because He delighted in me." - 2 Samuel 22:20

Questioning someone's motives for their activities can become an overriding response to those to whom we relate. Wrong motives can result in broken relationships, poor business decisions, and falling out of God's will. Sometimes we do not know the motive of another person. It is wrong for us to assume what their motive is until we have confidence that we know their intentions. When we respond or react prematurely, we become judge and jury over them. God has a motive for every one of His children. His desire is to bring us into a spacious place. He wants us to go beyond our borders of safety and security so that we might experience life at a level that goes beyond ourselves. What do you think of when you think of a "spacious place"? No limitations? A large, grassy field? Open air? These are positive images.
Sometimes these spacious places encourage us to step out in faith into areas where we've never ventured. Sometimes we need to be rescued by the Lord. When Peter walked on the water, God was inviting him to a spacious place. He went beyond the borders of his boat and ventured into a whole new world. He didn't have complete success in his venturing out, but it was a process that would lead him to the next victory in his faith walk with Jesus. Sometimes failure is what is needed in order to move us to the next level of faith with God. However, we must be willing to fail and let God rescue us. The Lord delights in this process.
His motive for His children is always love. It is always to bring us to a new level of trust and dependence on Him. Wealth, Riches, and MoneyWealth, Riches, and Money is no quick look at the basic principles of finance. Rather, it is a deeply insightful journey through the scripture, including an analysis of the spiritual dynamics taking place in the unseen realm. The authors explore the stark contrast between the Kingdom of God and the kingdom of darkness as it relates to finances.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


"If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness." - 1 John 1:9

The apostle Peter was one of three disciples who walked with Jesus closer than the other nine. He was the most enthusiastic and the one man who was willing to step into territories where others would not dare. He was the first to step out of the boat and walk on water. He wanted to protect Jesus at times when Jesus rebuked him for having a demon influence him. He cut off the ear of the guard who wanted to arrest Jesus in the garden. As Peter matured, the Holy Spirit harnessed his many extreme emotions. The greatest trial for Peter was when he denied the Lord just before Jesus was crucified. Three times he denied knowing Jesus. Jesus predicted that the cock would crow after the third time just to reinforce the prophecy to Peter. Peter was crushed when he realized he had failed His Lord so badly. The Lord forgave Peter for his denial. However, gaining forgiveness from Jesus was not the most difficult part for Peter. The hard part was forgiving himself. As we mature in the faith, we begin moving in victory after victory with our Lord. Then out of nowhere, an event happens that reveals our true sin nature, and we are confronted face to face with this reality. We cannot believe that we are capable of such sin. There is no good thing in us save the grace of Jesus Christ and His blood that cleanses us. When God looks at us, He looks at the blood of Christ that has covered our sin. He does not look at our sin once we confess it. When we have difficulty forgiving ourselves, this is pride at its deepest level. We are making an assumption that we should never have sinned and that we are too mature to sin. This is a trap from the enemy of our souls. People who cannot forgive do not recognize from what they have been forgiven. That includes us.

Monday, November 17, 2008


"Then Moses said to him, "If Your Presence does not go with us, do not send us up from here." - Exodus 33:15

Moses was in the middle of his journey through the wilderness, leading the people of Israel out of Egypt. The people had just sinned by worshiping the golden calf. Moses interceded for them and God spared them their lives. Moses then talked one on one with the Lord. He knew he could not lead this stubborn people without God's presence. He had come to realize that without God's presence, he could not do anything.How will anyone know that You are pleased with me and with Your people unless You go with us? What else will distinguish me and Your people from all the other people on the face of the earth? (Exodus 33:16)Moses did not want to move farther without the assurance that God was moving with him. He knew it was a life-and-death situation. He sought the Lord with his whole heart on this one matter.The question is a good one. If we are to be effective in anything we do for the Lord, the Lord must be in the midst of it. Unless the Lord's power is seen among us, we will be just another person who has religion. Unless we manifest His life to others, they will see only good behavior.Moving out in presumption will end in failure and frustration. Ask the Lord today to assure you of His presence and power in your activities. Then you will be assured that you will be distinguished among all the other people on the face of the earth.

“The world’s great characters have been products of faith. Faith is the mighty force that drove them to produce the miracles of civilization.” - E.W.Kenyon

Friday, November 14, 2008


Do you need help with anything? Call on Jehovah Ebenezer (Lord my helper). Do you need healing? Call on Jehovah Rapha (Lord my healer). Do you need wisdom? Call on “The Only Wise God”. Call on Jehovah Jireh (my provider) to provide you with anything you need. Call on “The God of Comfort” to comfort you when you need it. Call on “The Mighty in Battle” to fight for you.
Here is a list of different names of God. Call God by ANY of His names that fits your need.
God is the “I AM THAT I AM” …He is EVERYTHING and ANYTHING you need him to be to you.
Names of God
Alpha and Omega, Abba Father, Almighty, Author & Finisher of our faith, Advocate, Anchor, Adonai, Amen, Ancient of Days, Balm of Gilead, Bread of Life, Branch, Burden Bearer, Bridegroom, Beginning & the End, Captain of our Salvation, Carpenter, Captain of the Host of the Lord, Chief Cornerstone, Chief Shepherd, Chiefest Among Ten Thousand, Chosen of God, Christ our Life, Christ the Power of God, Commander, Consolation of Israel, Consuming Fire, Counselor, Covenant to the people, Creator of all things, Crown of Glory, Christ, Counselor, Day Star, Day Spring from on high, Diadem of beauty, Door of the sheep, Deliverer, Elect One, Eternal Rock of Ages, Eternal life, Eternal God, Everlasting Father, Elohim, El-Shaddai, Emmanuel, Fountain of Living Waters, Foundation, Flame, First and Last, Finisher of Our Faith, Father of Mercies, Faithful and True Witness, Friend Who Sticks Closer than a Brother, Fairest of Ten Thousand, Garden of renown, Gift of God, Glorious Lord, God of the whole earth, Glory of your people Israel, God of truth, God the judge of all, Good, Good shepherd, Good teacher, Governor, God of comfort, God of compassion , God of Recompense , Great Light , God of patience and comfort , God of hope, Great shepherd of the sheep, Grain offering , Grain of wheat , Habitation of Justice , Head of the Church, High Priest, Horn of Salvation , Hidden Manna , Help of my countenance , Hiding Place From the Wind , Holy one of Israel, Holy One, Hope of Glory , High and lofty one , Holy and Just , Holy and True, He who lives, He Who Fills All in All, He Who Will Come, Head Over All Things, I AM, I AM THAT I AM, Immanuel, Image of the Invinsible God, Immortal God, Invinsible God, Jehovah, Judge, Jehovah El-Shaddai, Jehovah Jireh, Jehovah Mekadesh, Jehovah Nissi, Jehovah Jireh, Jehovah Shalom, Jehovah Rapha, Jehovah Ropheka, Jehovah El-Niyun, Jehovah Shamah, Jehovah Roden, Jehovah Adonai, Jehovah Elohim, Jehovah Elohe, Jehovah Sabot, Jehovah Ebenezer, King of Kings, King of the Jews, King of Glory, Lamb of the Midst of the throne, Lamb Slain, Leader, Light of Israel, Light of the City, Light of the morning, Light of Men, Light of the Gentiles, Light of the World, Lily of the Valley, Living Bread, Living water, Living Stone, Lord, Lord of Hosts, Lord of Both the Dead and the Living, Lord God Almighty, Lord God Omnipotent, Lord Most High, Lord of All the Earth, Lord Our Maker, Lord Over All, Lord Who Created the Heavens, Love, Lamb of God, Lamb without Blemish, Life-Giving Spirit, Lion of the Tribe of Judah, Lord and savior Jesus, Lord from Heaven, Lord God of Truth, Lord Mighty in Battle, Lord of All, Lord of Lords, Lord Our Righteousness, Lord Strong and Mighty, Lord Your Redeemer, Lord of Peace, Maker, Man Attested by God, Man of war, Master, Master of the House, Mediator of a Better Covenant, Mighty God, Mighty One of Israel, Mighty One of Jacob, Mighty Warrior, Mighty in Battle, Minister of the Sanctuary, Morning without Clouds, Most Holy, My Elect One, My Glory, My Helper, My Hope, My Lord and my God, My Portion, My Righteous Servant, My Salvation, My Shield, My Strength, My Support, Maker of All Things, Man of Sorrows, Manna, Mediator, Mediator of the New Covenant, Messiah, Mighty One, Morning Star, Most High, My Beloved, My Fortress, My Help, My High Tower, My Lamp, My Maker, My Power, My Rock of Refuge, My Shepherd, My Song, My Strength and My Song, My Well Beloved, Nazaren, Our Hope, Offering, Ointment Poured Forth, One I love, One Shepherd, Only Begotten of the Father, Only Begotten Son, Our peace, Our Potter, Our Omega, One Who Shall Have Dominion, Peace Offering, Physician, Polished Shaft, Portion of Jacob, Portion of My Inheritance, Precious Stone, Priest Forever, Prince and savior, Prince of Life, Prince of Peace, Prince of Princes, Propitiation for Our Sins, Prophet, Quickening Spirit Redeemer, Rock, Rose of Sharon, Son of man, Shepherd & Bishop of Souls, Savior, Servant, Shiloh, The Way, The Truth, The Life, The Resurrection & The Life, The Door, True Vine, Teacher, The Beloved, The Word, The Almighty, The Only Wise God, Wonderful Counselor, Yahweh, Yeshua.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


"Or do I make my plans in a worldly manner so that in the same breath I say, "Yes, yes" and "No, no"? -" 2 Corinthians 1:17

The apostle Paul was discussing his plans to come to the church at Corinth. He was acknowledging the serious nature of his trip and informing the Corinthians that he did not flippantly come to this decision to visit them. It was a matter that had been given serious prayer, not one made in the spur of the moment.Planning from God's view is a process. It isn't merely an exercise in reason and analysis. It requires entering into the mind of Christ together with our minds to determine which course to take.
In the Old Testament, the priests wore breastplates with the Urim and Thummim in a pouch on their breasts. It was like a roll of dice that the priests were required to perform to know which direction they were to take on a matter. It was the ultimate release of all decisions into God's hand. God did not want the priests to rely on their own intellects for final decisions.
We have an uncanny ability to make decisions based on our own needs and wants. However, God desires that we seek Him to know His plans for us. David was a skilled warrior who never lost a battle. He consulted God on every decision. He knew the results of the battle rested in God's hand. So, if he was to gain victory, he had to know God's mind on the matter. Sometimes this requires more time given to the process in order to hear His voice. Sometimes it may even require fasting and prayer. Sometimes it may require input from other godly friends.Are you a man or woman who makes decisions based on God's purposes for your life? Do you take every major decision and put it before the throne to determine God's mind on the matter? If so, you will avoid making decisions in a worldly manner

Monday, November 10, 2008


"And Elisha prayed, "O Lord, open his eyes so he may see." Then the Lord opened the servant's eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha." - 2 Kings 6:17

Several years ago, a movie was made called Field of Dreams. The story is about a man who had a vision to build a baseball field in the middle of a cornfield on his rural farm. He did not know why; he just knew he was to do it. To the chagrin of his neighbors, he built the baseball diamond in the farm community. One night some players showed up. The man realized these were no ordinary players, but were actually the great players from the past. When the skeptical neighbors came to view this phenomenon, they were unable to see what the farm owner could see. This made it even worse for him. Now he was really a lunatic in their eyes.
This fictitious story has a spiritual application for us. First, if God tells us to "build a ball field," we should do it. It is not for us to determine the reason we are instructed to do it. Once we are obedient, God will allow us to see what others cannot see. It is the rite of passage for those who are willing to risk all for God's purposes. God increases the spiritual senses to levels we never knew before. Those around us will observe this.
Do you want to see what others cannot see? If so, it will require a level of obedience that will go beyond human reason. It may require risk and ridicule from others. But you will see what others cannot see.

Friday, November 7, 2008


"I in them and You in Me. May they be brought to complete unity to letthe world know that You sent Me and have loved them even as You haveloved Me." John 17:23

A story is told about F.B. Meyer, the great Bible teacher and pastor who lived a century ago. He was pastoring a church and began to notice that attendance was suffering. This continued until he finally asked some members of his congregation one Sunday morning why they thought attendance was down. A member volunteered, "It is because of this new church down the road. The young preacher has everyone talking and many are going to hear hims peak." His name was Charles Spurgeon. Meyer, rather than seeking to discourage this, exhorted the entire congregation to join him and go participate in seeing this "move of God" as he described it to his congregation. "If this be happening, then God must be at work." Meyer, even though he was an accomplished preacher and teacher, recognized where God was at work and joined Him in it. [The author heard this on a radio show from Key Life Ministries with Steve Brown, based in Orlando, Florida.] Can you imagine this story taking place in our competitive world today?Competition has penetrated the Church so much that many churches and Christian organizations approach ministry like a sports event. They view their mission as a business that seeks to gain market share among Christians - donors, members, influence - all under the name of God.
I am sure God looks down at us and asks, "Whatever happened to John17:23?" Sometimes we must remind our fellow servants that we are all on the same team! We should be seeking to impact the Kingdom of God, not increase our own market share. When Jesus made this statement about unity in John 17:23, it represented the key to bringing salvation to many. He was saying that when His Body is unified, the non-Christian would be able to see who Jesus really is -the Son of God. Are you contributing to unity in the Body of Christ? Or are you contributing to a spirit of competition? Ask God where you can be an instrument of unity in His Body.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


'"For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life." - John 3:16

"I'd like you to help us develop our marketing program beginning in January," said the CEO of a sports product company. The consultant was delighted to have the opportunity. It was the first new business opportunity he'd had in some time. He had just come out of some very difficult business and personal circumstances in the last few years. A few months into the relationship, the CEO asked the consultant to manage the entire marketing department, placing him over the current marketing staff. It appeared that God was blessing his efforts with several successful initiatives. The consultant began to build a relationship with a few of the executives. One day, the sales manager came into his office and asked for help on a personal crisis. One thing led to another, and two months later, the consultant found himself leading the sales manager in the sinner's prayer in the sales manager's office.God prepares His servants in many ways to accomplish His purpose. The story of Joseph is repeated every workday in the lives of His people. The circumstances may be different, but the results are the same. God trains His servant through sometimes difficult "boot camps." When that training is complete, He places them in strategic places to be a provider-both physically and spiritually.Is God preparing you to be a provider in the workplace? Do not fret at the difficult training ground you may be required to endure. He has a plan. If you'll allow Him to carry out His plan, you'll be privileged to be used by the Master's hand. I know because I am that consultant.

“Our lives improve only when we take chances, and the first most difficult risk we can take is to be honest with ourselves.” – Walter Anderson

Monday, November 3, 2008


Strategic, by definition, is big picture thinking. It is large-scale and long-range in nature, but it must be lived out in the tactical here and now. A great example of strategic planning and tactical living was Noah and the building of the ark. It’s the epitome of long-range planning as it took one hundred and twenty years to complete the project and it would impact the future course of recorded history. It definitely qualifies as large-scale, due to the dimensions of the boat and the number and variety of its occupants.
The account of Noah receiving instructions from God for building the ark serves as an extraordinary model for strategic planning.

Strategy 1 – Evaluate the Situation. “so God looked upon the earth, and indeed it was corrupt..” (Genesis 6:12)
- Research the situation-Before proceeding in any endeavor, do your homework! Check things out for yourself. When I was young and had more desire than brains. I sent a man I barely knew to check out a business opportunity. Based on the strength of his report, I committed myself to a business which I knew little about. It turned out that the information he provided was deliberately falsified by him to prove himself an opportunity. It took me time for me to financially recover.
- How thoroughly have you investigated the problem or opportunity you wish to address?-Don’t rely just on one source. One credible source is still only one view. It’s better to have your information confirmed through multiple sources than to put all your eggs in one basket, only to find out the basket has a broken handle.
- Make sure the information you based your decision on is accurate-If you are unsure that your information is accurate, make generous allowances for error or don’t proceed at all. I was asked to do.

Strategy 2 – Make a Decision. “Behold, I will destroy them with the earth.” (Genesis 6:13)
- You will never have all the facts-it has been said, “In every person’s lifetime there comes an opportunity to do a very special thing, unique to that person and fitted to his or her talent. What a tragedy if that moment finds the person unprepared and unqualified for that work.” You should prepare yourself for opportunity; analyze the facts as you can accept the reality that you will never have all the information. Sometimes you have to act with less information than you would like. It’s hard to know when you have sufficient facts, so get the counsel of others and search the scripture for any indicators of direction, then make the best decision you can.
- Don’t be snared by the “paralysis of analysis”-In the mid-seventies some had an idea for a real estate magazine, which he thought was a superb concept. I analyzed and eventually did nothing. A few years later, the concept surfaced in his city and ultimately in cities across his country. His paralysis of analysis cost him an opportunity. He discovered that “in the valley of indecision lay the skeletal remains of many a worthy plan.” The bottom line to make a decision is this: don’t rush and don’t delay.

Strategy 3 – Summarize the Vision. “Make yourself an ark of gopher wood; make rooms in the ark, and cover it inside and outside with pitch.” (Genesis 6:14).
- Before God gave Noah the specifics. He gave him an overview. Do you have an overview of where you are trying to go with your life? Moses had a simple overview of his purpose: to “set my people free,” Nehemiah had a simple understanding of his primary goal: to “rebuild the wall.” Jesus gave an overview of His purpose: to “seek and to save that which was lost.” What’s the overview of your purpose?
- Is your vision clearly defined? If you can’t outline your vision in 25 words or less, you probably don’t understand it. Take time to think through your vision, whether it be your life vision or your vision for specific project, then try summarizing it on the back of a business card. If you can’t do that, it’s probably not clear enough.
- Can others read it and run with it? Ask those who have a stake in your vision if they know what the vision is. See how many people give you the same answer. If you get different answers, you know you’re not communicating clearly and it may be because you haven’t got it clear in your own mind.

Strategy 4 – Establish the Boundaries “the length of the ark shall be 450 feet, its width, 75 feet, and its height 45 feet” (Genesis 6:15)
- Formulate a plan and put it in writing. A goal without a plan is only a dream. When I was new to the selling business, I realized that in order to reach my goals, I would have to accomplish a certain amount of activity. And to accomplish that activity, I was going to have to plan and act differently than I had in the past, I created a simple flowchart of required activity and monitored my progress, knowing that if I had the right things well, I would have the desired result. A simple plan, but it yielded extraordinary results.
- Stay within the sphere of your calling. Not everyone is called to the same position in life, though we are all called to accept the challenge of greatness. Greatness is measured by our service to others. Find a way to out serve your competition and you will be exalted in the market place. Let God give you the promotion, not yourself, lest you find yourself promoted to a position of incompetence. When you step into realm God hasn’t equipped you for, disaster is just around the corner. Sometimes we don’t know the boundaries of our calling until we step outside and find ourselves fighting for survival with no backup in sight. God is gracious and patient and will lead us back to the sphere of our calling.
- Don’t mistake comfort zone for calling. You may be comfortable in your world right now, but that doesn’t mean you are called to remain there. Don’t mistake the lack struggle for the leading of God. In fact, if you’re not experiencing opposition, there’s a good chance you’re headed in the wrong direction! You may be in the center of the sphere of your calling, while simultaneously being in the fight of your life. Without doubt, the Apostle Paul endured much hardship and many trials while functioning within his sphere of calling.

Strategy 5 – Define your Strategy. “make a window for the ark…set the door of the ark in its side…make it with lower, second and third decks” (Genesis 6:16)
- Make your plan a series of steps, which taken individually are manageable. Break your plan into bite-size pieces. Many goals or projects seem overwhelming at the beginning. Break them down into their individual components, then break the components down into individual steps that you can see yourself accomplishing.
- Prioritize the steps. Stand back and look at the big picture. Ask God to help you prioritize then list the steps in the order you will need to accomplish them. Without prioritization, you may find yourself having to redo one or more steps as the project unfolds.
- Identify and implement daily success habits. Ask yourself “What one thing can I do on a daily basis that would make a tremendous difference in the achievement of my goals?” Think of a few more and begin implementing them. They may be simple things, like proper diet and exercise, or more specific to your sales career like a disciplined regimen of prospecting, practicing your questioning techniques, or choosing to keep better records. Pick anything you want, but always remember to “seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added unto you” (Matthew 6:33).

Strategy 6 – Envision the Reward. “I will establish my convent with you.” (Genesis 6:18)
- Look to the reward. Any dream worth embarking on and any goal worth pursuing will exact a toll from you. In the challenging times, when you question your own sanity for ever setting out on the path you chose, it helps to remind yourself of the reward of accomplishment. Moses rejected the life of privilege under Pharaoh and chose to suffer affliction with the people of God, esteeming the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures of Egypt because he looked to the reward (Hebrews 11:24-26).
- Endure hardship. Just as Jesus endured unspeakable horrors at the hands of those whom He sought to save. He endured it all for the joy that was set before Him (Hebrews 12:2). Don’t lose sight of reward and don’t feel guilty about wanting the reward. Consider young David before he became king. He inquired three times concerning the reward for killing Goliath before going to battle against him. He was told each time that the reward was great riches, the king’s daughter in marriage and permanent tax-exempt status for him and his family. This does not mean that these were the only things that motivated David, but they clearly held a keen interest for him, and after killing Goliath, he collected on all three promises’

Strategy 7 – Define your Primary Responsibility. “Go into the ark; you, your sons, your wife and your sons’ wives with you. And…two of every sort…to keep them alive with you.” (Genesis 6:18-19).
- Don’t lose sight of your original goal. When you’re up to your neck in alligators, it’s hard to you were there t drain the swamp. In the heat of the battle, you lose sight of the original purpose or goal. Understanding that it is can happen and be on the lookout for it.
- Watch out for rabbit trails. This is especially true for visionaries. They rarely see an idea they don’t like and it’s easy for them to get distracted. Keep your primary focus. Focus on the task at hand and don’t look back.
- Avoid worthy looking but not God originated tasks. Everyone is offered business deals, many of which seem good, honorable and worthy enterprise, but if they are not part of your life’s calling and destiny, don’t waste your time. Get rich quick schemes are plentiful, but we must recognize that though our efforts should pay well, money should not be our deciding factor. Diversions will come, so you must do your best to be in the right place at the right at time right time, and then you will be ready for a God-originated opportunity.

Strategy 8 – Count the Cost. “take for yourself of all food that is eaten.. for you and for them” (Genesis 6:21)
- Determine your investment ahead of time. If you want to succeed in sales, you’re going to need to invest time, effort and money in the acquisition and refining of your skills and in doing the things most people won’t do that are necessary for success. If you don’t count the cost ahead of time, you may be surprised at what is required to succeed and you may turn back. Noah had to calculate the quantity of food necessary for him and all the animals represented on the ark. It was a big and necessary project, for without counting the cost ahead of time, he could have found himself on a ship with a bunch of starving animals.
- Be prepared to take responsibility for the consequences of your plan being executed. You do your best to count the cost and prepare for the unexpected, but in the end you will be held accountable for your choices. If you attempted more than you are able to achieve, you will only attempt great things. You will find that those who have attempted great things will not be quick to criticize you. Instead, they will come alongside and instruct you from their experience. Accept their seasoned insight.

Strategy 9 – Begin the Work. “Noah did according to all that God commanded him” (Genesis 6:22)
- Break the inertia! No matter how good the plan and no matter how substantial your network of contacts, there will be no result unless you get started. In sales, doing the presentation and writing proposals can be a lot of fun, but getting the ball rolling with prospecting can be a very different thing. Most sales managers agree that the biggest challenge they have with their sales reps is breaking their call reluctance. Once a prospect has expressed interest, the flow of the call is much easier. To make breaking the inertia easier, set aside a block of time when you will launch out, then commit yourself to that time frame and step out. Most people only talk of their great ideas. You can’t steer a parked car, so get out on the road and start driving. And always ask God for wisdom.
- Get started. The research was interesting; the planning was fun, now it’s time to get to work. The most difficult thing for me to do in sales was to cold call, so I would set entire days aside to do nothing but that. After a while, my discomfort with the process and my reluctance to make the next call evaporated. I began to enjoy it. If I had to make twenty cold calls to secure one sale and earn a $500 commission, I would tell myself that each “No” I receive actually earned me $25. That put a little pep in my step because I knew there was a direct relationship between activity level and actual results. Soon, I was welcoming the opportunity to cold prospect, but before long, my pipeline filled up and I was spending more time serving customers. My base of customers provides me the leads for new customers and the need for cold prospecting diminished.
- When Paul had a vision of Macedonia, he went there immediately. By getting started now, the difficult tasks become amazing doable. We cannot “monetize” our problems someone said. We must cut the excuses, face our fears and slay the monsters in our way.

Strategy 10 – Adjust to Unfolding Details. “take with you seven each of every clean animals, a male and his friend; two each of animals that are unclean, a male and his female: (Genesis 7:2-3)
- Your circumstances will change. Noah was originally told to bring only two of every animal onto the ark, but then God told him to bring seven of certain species. Apparently it wasn’t a problem but it was a change. In sales, things are always changing. One day it’s a price increase or a new product launch, the next day it’s an aggressive new competitor or your territory has been cut. The game is always changing, but the fundamental principles never change. Dr David Oyedepo said “principles don’t change but priorities may change.” Learn to roll with the changes and adapt quickly. If you don’t, you might find yourself replaced by someone who didn’t know what the old price was or never had a larger territory. Learn to adjust.
- You will never know everything. It is impossible to know the end from the beginning when you start. If you did know, you probably wouldn’t start!
- You can expect the unexpected. Instead of responding to the unexpected with dread, look for the possibilities it represent. You can’t prepare for eventuality, but you can prepare your attitude to handle whatever comes your way. Starts now by determine that you will find the opportunity in every adversity. You win either way. Knowing that the unexpected will come and being prepared emotionally for the challenge will better equip you to complete the task.

Strategy 11 – Execute Faithfully. “Noah did according to all the Lord commanded him” (Genesis 7:5)
- Quitters are forgotten. We remember the name of the first man to climb Mt. Everest (Sir Edmund Hillary), not the name of the first man to attempt it. Nehemiah was remembered not because he got financing to rebuild the wall or because of his lofty position as cupbearer to the king. Instead, he was remembered because he oversaw the building and completion of the wall around Jerusalem. If the wall hadn’t been finished the entire project would have counted for nothing.
- Commitment is required. We must be committed to finishing what we start. Jesus said,” No man, having put his hand to the plow, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom” (Luke 9:62). Resist the temptation to quit half way through. It’s one thing to aim for a goal and miss it. It’s quite another to start out towards a goal and then turn back.

Strategy 12 – Share the Reward with Others. “God blessed Noah and his sons and said to them, be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth” (Genesis 9:1)
- Never forget the source. It is God who gives the power to obtain wealth (Deuteronomy 8:18) He provides the talent and the opportunity. It’s our job to use the talent He has given us on the opportunity (which may be disguised as a problem) He has put before us and to trust Him for the outcome. His purpose in helping us obtain wealth is to establish His covenant on earth. I don’t pretend to understand all the ramifications of that, but one thing is clear it does include feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, helping widows and orphans, and spreading His gospel to the entire world. Think of God as an investment banker and ask yourself what it is about your plan that benefits His agenda? Why should He get excited about your project? What’s in it for him?

“If you want to be successful, it’s just this simple: know what you are doing, love what you are doing, and believe in what you are doing.” - Will Rogers

Friday, October 31, 2008


"May the favor of the Lord our God rest upon us; establish the work of our hands for us- yes, establish the work of our hands." - Psalm 90:17

Many of us begin our careers with the goal of achieving success. If we haven't entered our work as a result of God's calling, we will eventually face a chasm of deep frustration and emptiness. Success flatters but does not provide a lasting sense of purpose and fulfillment. So often we enter careers with wrong motives-money, prestige, and even pressure from parents or peers. Failing to match our work with our giftedness and calling is like trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. If that happens over an extended period, a person crashes.At this time, many make another mistake. Workplace believers think that beginning a new career in "full-time Christian work" will fill the emptiness they feel. However, this only exacerbates the problem because they are again trying to put another square peg into a round hole. The problem is not whether we should be in "Christian work" or "secular work," but rather what work is inspired by gifts and calling. If there is one phrase I wish I could remove from the English language it is "full-time Christian work." If you are a Christian, you are in full-time Christian work, whether you are driving nails or preaching the gospel. The question must be, are you achieving the God-given calling for your life? God has called people into business to fulfill His purposes just as much as He has called people to be pastors or missionaries.It is time for workplace believers to stop feeling like second-class citizens for being in business. It is time workplace believers stop working toward financial independence so that they can concentrate on their "true spiritual calling." This is the great deception for those called to business.Significance comes from fulfilling the God-given purpose for which you were made. Ask Him to confirm this in your own life.

“More gold has been mined from the minds of men than has been taken from the earth crust.” – Napoleon Hill

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Nick was a talented guy who managed the assets of investors by trading
on the global stock market. He became a wheeler-dealer in a high-risk
segment of the market, but he didn't really know the importance to his
employer of the assets he was managing. To him, the assets were merely
one of the components allowing him to play an exciting game.
Unfortunately, he didn't count on an earthquake in Japan destabilizing
his market. He tried to adjust, but he was a gambler, and the only thing
a gambler does well is gamble. By the time he gave up gambling he had
lost some serious change-like about a billion dollars. His little
mismanagement fiasco destroyed a 300-year-old bank, the bank that had
once held the first mortgage on the Louisiana Purchase. Oops.
Nicholas Leeson never really understood the value or purpose of the
assets that had been entrusted to him. What can we learn from Nick's
debacle? First, don't get so caught up in what you're doing that you
lose sight of why you're doing it. And second, you can squander your
assets if you don't understand and use them well.
What do I mean by assets? Simply, those parts of our life and situation
that we can choose to use for God's glory-or for other things. Every
season of life provides certain assets. When I was four years old my
assets were adorableness (so my mother says) and the fact that I didn't
take up a lot of space in the family car. As a teenager my assets were
plenty of energy and...well, that's probably it. Do you see the assets
in your life that come from your singleness? Equally important, do you
understand them and use them wisely?
I believe the most overlooked asset of singleness is flexibility. The
average single adult has available to him or her a wonderful mix of
time, energy, and resources with which to build a lifestyle overflowing
with ministry impact and spiritual growth. Yet so often the choices made
by singles rob them of this valuable gift of flexibility. How do we
maximize our flexibility?
One key aspect of flexibility is time. A single woman once characterized
her singleness as "drowning in time." Have you felt this way? The single
life can seem heavy on time, and ways to randomly fill that time are
expanding daily. How can our free time become "impact time"? Leland
Ryken advises us well: "Time is the arena within which all human quests
run their course. It is within time that the issues of life are
contested and sometimes resolved. Without making one's peace with time,
a person will not solve the question of how to find the good life."
How do we "make our peace with time?" Do you steward your time,
including your free time, or do you let outside influences determine how
you use it? I am a slacker by temperament, but I've learned to schedule
my time so that my slacker tendencies don't eat my life whole. My
objective in time management is not to get as much done as possible, but
to try to make sure that I end up doing what is best for me to do.
For example, I tend to over-commit my evenings. So, I schedule every
one, even if it is simply a "reading night" or an "off night." Then if
something comes up, I have some options on how to handle it-it doesn't
just infect my schedule like the flu, throwing off everything else in my
life until I can regroup. I've also come to recognize how I can blow
time (like in front of the tube), so I make a special effort to
discipline myself in those areas.
I encourage the single folks I know to take regular overnight personal
retreats-to break from the routine, be before the Lord, and just assess
life. Let me encourage you to do the same. Use those times to set goals
for progress, not perfection. Study the scriptural principle of the
Sabbath, then apply what you learn. If you do things like this, will
every moment become an impact moment? No. But impact will likely emerge
"all by itself" from the ordered use of the time you do have.
Your flexibility will also be affected by your approach to work. As a
single adult you are highly prized in the employment world for the sheer
number of hours that can be sucked out of your life for the sake of the
bottom line. Money, perks, travel, "opportunity," and promotions are all
used as lures to get single folks to carry the time load no one else
seems to want. Don't bite. This is the hook of the world lurking under
the bait of career. Whether you work for yourself or for someone else,
don't let career or job define you. Work hard, but work as unto the
Lord. God is your boss, and in the end his advancement plan is the only
one that counts.
Another potential snare is possessions. I knew a Christian single woman
who always seemed to be moving from one place to another. Was she an
irritable person, unpleasant, hard to live with? No, she just had too
much stuff. She always needed a large area in which to store her
accumulated possessions, most of which weren't in use and could have
easily been replaced if needed. But she had a false sense of security in
her possessions. Her stuff had become her treasure, and in a sense she
worshiped it. She passed up some great living opportunities because she
thought it more important to protect her stuff than to be available for
the adventure of God's purpose. As Jesus said, "Where your treasure is,
there your heart will be also" (Mt 6:21).
The less stuff (car, house, music collections, etc.) we have to manage,
the less chance our heart will attach to it, and the greater will be our
flexibility for God's purpose. I'm not saying "stuff" is inherently bad,
but we must recognize that our sinful nature will always tempt us to
worship it.

Monday, October 27, 2008


"He who works his land will have abundant food, but the one who chases
fantasies will have his fill of poverty."-Proverbs 28:19

Webster's defines entrepreneur: "one who organizes, operates, and
assumes the risk in a business venture." [Merriam-Webster's Collegiate
Dictionary, Tenth ed. (Springfield, Massachusetts, 1993),
"entrepreneur."] Entrepreneurs can smell an opportunity a mile away.
However, what is often their greatest asset can become their greatest
downfall. The road is littered with entrepreneurs who have been
successful in one venture only to fail in countless others. Is this the
natural way for an entrepreneur, or is there a better way?
King David was an entrepreneur. He grew up as a shepherd boy and later
became Israel's greatest warrior. He responded to opportunities, like
the time when no one would fight Goliath. He saw this as an opportunity.
He ultimately became king of Israel and faced many opportunities placed
before him. David learned an important lesson somewhere along the way
that each of us as workplace believers should learn.
As an entrepreneur the greatest danger is engaging ourselves in
activities in which God never intended us to be involved. This is poor
stewardship of what God has entrusted to us. When the Philistines
attacked David, he always inquired of God as to if and when he was to
counterattack. When he was attacked a second time on one occasion, David
inquired of God as to whether he was to attack yet. This time God said
yes, but with a condition, "Wait until you hear the sound of marching in
the balsam trees" (see 2 Sam. 5:24). This story tells us that David had
learned an important lesson about staying vertical in his relationship
with God at all times. David had learned the important principle of
staying focused on what God wanted for him, not what seemed logical. He
was an opportunist, but only through the filter of the Holy Spirit in
his life.
How do you approach opportunities? Do you consider the merits of the
opportunity only? Or do you inquire of God as to whether He desires you
to pursue? It may be a wonderful opportunity, but it may not be God's
will for you to be involved. Ask the Holy Spirit to direct you as you
seek to use the skills He has given you.

Friday, October 24, 2008


"Your servant has nothing there at all," she said, "except a little
2 Kings 4:2b

Her husband had died. There was no way to fulfill her debts. Her
creditors decided to take her two sons as slaves for payment of the
obligations that still remained. She pleaded for assistance with the
only man of God she knew.
"Is there anything in your house?" Elisha asked.
"Nothing at all," she said, "except a little oil."
Elisha then instructed her to go and collect all the empty jars that her
neighbors might possess. "Ask for as many as you can," he instructed.
When the jars were collected, he instructed her to pour what little oil
she had into the jars. The oil was more than enough to fill the jars. In
fact, there was more oil than jars to fill. "Go, sell the oil and pay
your debts. You and your sons can live on what is left" (2 Kings 4:7b).
God often mixes faith with the tangible. The widow believed she had no
resources to meet her need. God said she had more than enough resources.
She did not see the one jar of oil as a resource. It did not become a
resource until it was mixed with faith. Her need was met when her faith
was mixed with the practical step of going into the workplace to sell
what she had in order to receive her needed income. In fact, there was
so much income she was able to pay her debts and live on the money
derived from the sale.
Quite often we forget that God works through commerce to provide for our
needs. It is wrong to place total trust in commerce without faith in
God. God often requires simple obedience to an act that seems ridiculous
to the logical mind. It is this faith mixed with the practical that God
Do you have a problem that is perplexing to you? Do you see no way of
meeting your need? God may have already given you the skills and talents
to meet your need. However, He may be waiting for you to mix them with
faith. Ask God to show you the steps necessary to solve your problem. Be
willing to take the next step.

Thursday, October 23, 2008


If we judged success by worldly standards, some might be
inclined to assess Paul's leadership career as an abject
failure and a bitter disappointment. In the closing days
of his life, when Paul wrote 2 Timothy, Luke was
virtually his only contact with the outside world
(4:11). Paul was confined in a Roman dungeon, dreading
the savage cold of coming winter (vv. 13, 21), and
without any hope of deliverance from the death sentence
that had been imposed on him. He suffered because of the
sadistic contempt of his enemies. He was even abandoned
or disavowed by some of his closest friends. He wrote,
"This you know, that all those in Asia have turned away
from me" (2 Timothy 1:15).
"Asia" refers to Asia Minor, where Paul had focused his
missionary work. Ephesus, where Timothy pastored, was
the capital of that region. So Paul wasn't telling
Timothy anything Timothy didn't already know firsthand.
In that time of fierce persecution, association with
Paul had become so costly that all but a few of the
apostle's own spiritual children had in effect disowned
and abandoned him.
That's why people who see things superficially might
think the end of Paul's life was tragic. At first
glance, it might even seem as if his enemies had finally
defeated him.
A failure? Actually, the apostle Paul was not a failure
as a leader by any measure. His influence continues
worldwide even today. By contrast, Nero, the corrupt but
powerful Roman emperor who ordered Paul's death, is one
of history's most despised figures. This is yet another
reminder that influence is the true test of a person's
leadership, not power or position per se. In fact, a
careful look at how Paul's life and ministry came to an
end can teach us a lot about how to gauge the success or
failure of a leader.
Paul's first long imprisonment and trial before Nero
apparently ended in the apostle's release sometime
before AD 64, because he wrote the epistles of 1 Timothy
and Titus as a free man (1 Timothy 3:14-15; 4:13; Titus
3:12). But that liberty was short-lived. In July of the
year 64, seven of Rome's fourteen districts burned. When
the original fire was nearly extinguished, another fire,
fanned by fierce winds, broke out in another district.
Rumors circulated that Nero himself had ordered the
burning of the city to make room for some ambitious
building projects, including a golden palace for
Trying desperately to deflect suspicion, Nero blamed
Christians for starting the fires. That began the first
of several major, aggressive campaigns by the Roman
government to destroy the church. Christians in Rome
were rounded up and executed in unspeakably cruel ways.
Some were sewn into animal skins and ripped to death by
dogs. Others were impaled on stakes, covered with pitch,
and burned as human torches to light Nero's garden
parties. Many were beheaded, fed to lions, or otherwise
disposed of at Nero's command in equally ruthless ways.
During that persecution, Paul was again taken prisoner
by the Roman authorities, brought to Rome, subjected to
persecution and torment (2 Timothy 4:17), and finally
executed as a traitor because of his relentless devotion
to the lordship of Christ.
Throughout his first imprisonment at Rome, Paul had been
kept under house arrest (Acts 28:16, 30). He was allowed
freedom to preach and teach those who visited him (v.
23). He was under the constant guard of a Roman soldier
but was treated with respect. The influence of his
ministry had therefore reached right into the household
of Caesar (Philippians 4:22).
Paul's second imprisonment, however, was markedly
different. He was virtually cut off from all outside
contact and kept chained in a dungeon (2 Timothy 1:16).
He was probably held underground in the Mamertine
Prison, adjacent to the Roman forum, in a small, dark,
bare stone dungeon whose only entrance was a hole in the
ceiling scarcely large enough for one person to pass
through. The dungeon itself is not large; about half the
size of a small one-car garage. Yet it was sometimes
used to hold as many as forty prisoners. The discomfort,
the dark, the stench, and the misery were almost
That dungeon still exists, and I have been in it. The
stifling, claustrophobic confines of that dark hole are
eerie and depressing even today. It was there (or in a
dungeon just like it) that Paul spent the final days of
his life.
There is no reliable record of Paul's execution, but he
obviously knew the end of his life was imminent when he
wrote his second epistle to Timothy. Evidently he had
already been tried, convicted, and condemned for
preaching Christ, and perhaps the day of his execution
was already scheduled. He wrote to Timothy, "I am
already being poured out as a drink offering, and the
time of my departure is at hand" (2 Timothy 4:6).
Naturally, there are notes of profound sadness in Paul's
final epistle. But its dominant theme is triumph, not
defeat. Paul wrote that last letter to Timothy to
encourage the young pastor to be bold and courageous and
to continue following the example he had learned from
his apostolic mentor. Far from writing a concession of
failure, Paul sounds a clarion note of victory: "I have
fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have
kept the faith. Finally, there is laid up for me the
crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous
Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only
but also to all who have loved His appearing" (2 Timothy
Facing his own imminent martyrdom, Paul had no fear, no
despondency, and no desire to stay in this world. He
longed to be with Christ and eagerly anticipated the
reward He would receive in the next world. Therefore, as
he reviewed the course of his life, he expressed no
regret, no sense of unfulfillment, and no feeling of
incompleteness. There was not the smallest duty left
undone. He had finished the work the Lord gave him to
do, just as in Acts 20:24 he had hoped and prayed he
would do: "so that I may finish my race with joy."
Paul measured his own success as a leader, as an
apostle, and as a Christian by a single criterion: He
had "kept the faith"-meaning both that he had remained
faithful to Christ and that he had kept the message of
Christ's gospel intact, just as he had received it. He
had proclaimed the Word of God faithfully and
fearlessly. And now he was passing the baton to Timothy
and to others, who would be "able to teach others also"
(2 Timothy 2:2).
Therefore, Paul faced his own death with a triumphant
spirit and with a deep sense of joy. He had seen the
grace of God accomplish all that God designed in him and
through him, and now he was ready to meet Christ

Monday, October 20, 2008


"And she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped Him in cloths and placed Him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn. "Luke 2:7

Imagine if the God of the universe decided to visit planet earth as a new baby and you were given the opportunity to host His first night-in your hotel! Think of the future promotional possibilities..."God stayed here His first night!" You could sell tickets to see the room where He was born. What an opportunity to make history as a small-business owner! God had need of a business owner's establishment one night 2,000 years ago. But there was no room for God in this business that night. There was no room for the unexpected miracle; no awareness of what was taking place in the heavenlies, no sign that God might be reaching out to this workplace believer to be used like no other in all of history. Every day God has need of some man or woman's job. He wants to demonstrate miracles in their work. But there is no room in their work for Jesus. He is not asked to participate. That night God slept in a stable. That night a business opportunity from Heaven was missed. It was business as usual. May we all have spiritual eyes and ears to know when our Master needs what He has entrusted to us for His purposes.

Friday, October 17, 2008


"Am I not your own donkey, which you have always ridden, to this day?"Numbers 22:30

Most workplace believers I know tend to be task-oriented, motivated visionaries. And they will do just about anything to make their projects successful. This great strength can, if not properly bridled by the Holy Spirit, be a great weakness in their ability to fulfill God's will in their life.Sometimes we want something to succeed so much that we fail to listen to that little voice inside trying to warn us by directing us on a different path. Such was the case of Balaam. He started out as a man of God, but then took the path of a "prophet-for-hire." God was not pleased with Balaam's decision to respond to a pagan king's request that he curse Israel. As Balaam rode his donkey to keep his appointment with the king, God sent the angel of the Lord to stand in the way and oppose Balaam. Although Balaam did not see the angel, his donkey did. Three times the donkey turned from the path and three times Balaam beat the animal in anger. Finally, the donkey turned around, and to Balaam's shock and amazement, began to speak to him, admonishing his master for beating him. Imagine a donkey talking to you! He warned Balaam of the angel of death who was standing in the road with a sword drawn, ready to kill Balaam if he continued.There are times when pushing harder, trying to manipulate the circumstance, or pressing those around you is not the response to have to the roadblock. God may be trying to have you reconsider your ways. God may be doing one of four things when you are faced with an obstacle:
1) He's blocking it to protect you.
2) His timing to complete this stage is not the same as yours, and He may need you to go through a process of character refinement.
3) He may want other players to get in place, and the circumstances are not yet ready for them to enter.
4) He may be using the process to develop patience in you. Relying on the Holy Spirit to know which one applies to your situation is the key to moving in God's timing.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


"So Moses thought, 'I will go over and see this strange sight-why the bush does not burn up.'" Exodus 3:3

Have you ever heard someone say, "God doesn't work that way? He would never do that." Well, there are times when God chooses to confound the foolish in order to change our paradigm of experience. Moses had never seen a bush that burned but did not burn up. It got his attention and it drew him to God.
When Jesus appeared on the water in the middle of the night during a storm, the disciples exclaimed, "It's a ghost!" They had never seen a man walk on water. This led to a great miracle-Peter walked on the water, too. When Jesus asked Peter to catch a fish and get the coin from its mouth to pay their taxes, you can imagine what Peter must have thought about those instructions. When Moses got to the Red Sea, he ran out of options. God had an unexpected solution to the Israelites' problem-He parted the Red Sea to demonstrate His power and allow the people of Israel to cross over to flee the Egyptian army.
Each of these new paradigms was a stepping-stone of an encounter with God so that the individual would experience God in a new way. God used these times to enforce the principle that His ways are not our ways. Whenever we try to predict that God will act in a certain way, He changes the paradigm to keep us from becoming our own little gods.
Have you ever been guilty of judging someone for an experience they've had that you've never had? Did you dismiss it as extreme or something not of God? God is in the business of changing our paradigm from no personal experiences to God-experiences. However, if you operate on a level of rigid logic, you may never have the privilege of having the God-experiences. Keep your heart free to experience new paradigms with God today.

Monday, October 13, 2008


"Lord, who may dwell in Your sanctuary? Who may live on Your holy hill? He whose walk is blameless and who does what is righteous, who speaks the truth from his heart." Psalm 15:1-2

"I cannot believe they are not going to honor my bonus agreement," said the executive who was about to take another position in a new city. Her understanding of her present work agreement called for a bonus at the end of the year. Management saw the situation differently. "It's not right. I am entitled to that bonus," she complained.
It was time to leave. The company had given her a laptop to use. However, when she left, she decided that because the company was not going to pay her the bonus she was entitled to, she would simply keep the laptop as compensation due her. "And they would never miss it," she reasoned. She was now in the employment of the new company. As each day passed, she grew uneasier about her decision. She could not get it off her mind. Finally, she concluded that the Holy Spirit was telling her this decision was wrong and that she needed to call her former boss to confess her action. She called him and confessed what she had done and why she had done it. Her boss accepted her confession and forgave her. Strangely enough, he allowed her to keep the laptop computer.
Truth never changes. It is absolute. When we make decisions based on other actions that are taken, we move into making decisions based on the situation, not truth and righteousness. The executive may indeed have been wronged, but she had to address the wrong in the appropriate way. Trying to compensate for the wrong by doing something that violates another scriptural principle is called situational ethics. If the employer had never wronged the executive, do you think she would have felt justified in taking the computer? Probably not. When you isolate the two situations, you see that one action was taken in response to the other action. Have you had any experiences in which you have used situational ethics? The Lord desires His people to have a higher standard, even at the cost of being wronged. Ask the Lord to reveal any business practices that may indicate situational ethics. You might be surprised what will happen when you do the right thing.

Friday, October 10, 2008


"Then the angel of the LORD ordered Gad to tell David to go up and build an altar to the LORD on the threshing floor of Araunah the Jebusite. So David went up in obedience to the word that Gad had spoken in the name of the LORD" (1 Chron 21:18-19).

In 1857, an American businessman named Jeremiah Lanphier was sent out by his local church to begin a noon-day prayer meeting on Fulton Street, right around the corner from Wall Street in New York City. A simple prayer, a willing heart, and an act of obedience resulted in city transformation throughout the United States.
However, at that very first meeting, no one showed up in the first 35 minutes. But Jeremiah waited. Gradually, six people wandered into the room at 35 minutes past the hour. Six months later, 10,000 people were meeting for prayer throughout New York City. This led to one of the greatest spiritual renewals in the United State's history.
What would have happened if Lanphier had decided to abandon the idea after 30 minutes?
In a small, darkened room, in the back of one of New York City's lesser churches, a man prayed alone. His request of God was simple, but earth-shattering: "Lord, what wilt Thou have me to do?" He was a man approaching midlife, without a wife or family, but he had financial means. He had made a decision to reject the "success syndrome" that drove the city's businessmen and bankers. God used this businessman to turn New York City's commercial empire on its head. He began a businessmen's prayer meeting on September 23, 1857.
The meetings began slowly, but within a few months 20 noonday meetings were convening daily throughout the city. Thousands met to pray because one man stepped out. This was an extraordinary move of God through one man.
It only takes one man or woman who is willing to be obedient to be used by God to impact a workplace, city, or even an entire nation. Simple obedience can lead to things you cannot imagine. Are you willing to be used by God?

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


"Urge slaves to obey their masters and to try their best to satisfy them. They must not talk back, nor steal, but must show themselves to be entirely trustworthy. In this way they will make people want to believe in our Savior and God" (Titus 2:9-10 TLB).

Sometimes I hear people say they don't see how they can have any significant impact on their workplace because they are pretty low on the totem pole, with little authority to make change. "I'm just a worker," they say. They fail to realize that the authority to impact any workplace comes from having authority with God, not man. And each person can have great authority in God.
The apostle Paul was instructing Titus on how common workers on the island of Create could have an impact on their employers. These workers were often no more than slaves, working in deplorable conditions for masters who were likely involved in lawlessness, drunkenness and idolatry. Not the nicest of working conditions.
Paul felt the way to win over your employer was to follow several key principles:
1) don't talk back,
2) don't steal, and
3) be trustworthy.
There is a great example of a young girl who worked for the wife of an army commander named Naaman. He had leprosy. The godly servant girl from Israel told her employer how he could get healed. What faith and boldness on the part of the servant girl!
"Now Naaman was commander of the army of the king of Aram. He was a great man in the sight of his master and highly regarded, because through him the LORD had given victory to Aram. He was a valiant soldier, but he had leprosy. Now bands from Aram had gone out and had taken captive a young girl from Israel, and she served Naaman's wife. She said to her mistress, "If only my master would see the prophet who is in Samaria! He would cure him of his leprosy" (2 Kings 5:1-3).
Naaman followed the advice of the lowly servant girl. God healed him through Elisha. I can only imagine the conversations between the servant girl and her employers after this healing occurred.
How might God want to use you in your employer's life?

Monday, October 6, 2008


"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth" (Gen 1:1).

"The concept is interesting and well-formed, but in order to earn better than a 'C,' the idea must be feasible."
Those were the words of a Yale University management professor in response to Fred Smith's paper proposing reliable overnight delivery service. Smith went on to found Federal Express Corp. which is the number one overnight delivery service in the world with 260,000 employees. Founder, Fred Smith, is synonymous with the word "innovation."
There have been many great innovators who have turned concepts into successful companies. Walt Disney said, "It's kind of fun to do the impossible."
God is the source of all creativity and innovation. He created the world in seven days. He has made you to create. If God has placed on idea in your heart to do, ask the Lord for His help in bringing it to reality. He desires to see His people create new things that can serve mankind and bring glory to God. Henry Ford once said, "Whether you think that you can, or that you can't, you are usually right."
Faith plays an important role when considering stepping out to launch a new endeavor. "Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. This is what the ancients were commended for" (Heb 11:1-2).
Perhaps you've failed in the past and you're afraid to step out again. Most successful entrepreneurs failed several times before they were successful. Don't let fear of failure keep you from success.
You were made to create. You were made to succeed.

Friday, October 3, 2008


"If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness" (1 John 1:9-10).

Victoria grew up like many middle income families. She loved school and was even the in her homecoming court all four years in high school. After some tragic family deaths during her teen years, she began to experiment with alcohol and drugs. She was raped, underwent multiple abortions, and began working as a dancer at local nude dancing club, which she continued for more than four years.
After suffering nosebleeds from her cocaine addition, Victoria became very involved with the new age movement, nearly had a nervous breakdown, and eventually became suicidal. By the age of 28 she was homeless, stranded and fired from her job as a strip-club dancer. Barely 100 pounds, she was no longer profitable to the industry. Then a Christian gave her a Bible. The first book she read was Job and something gripped her heart. A church family took her into their home. They surrounded her with love and pointed her to who she was in Christ. Victoria says, "Jesus is the only healer of deep, deep wounds."
Now, years later, Victoria's compassionate heart is focused on reaching other lives on the brink of life or death. She founded a ministry called Victoria's Friends, which goes into the heart of the darkest places of the city in the strip clubs. Trained women ministry volunteers bring baskets to the dancers in their dressing rooms with no motive other than to show they care. Men stay outside the clubs and pray for the women going inside. It is the ultimate rescue mission. It is the love of Christ expressed in a simple, but powerful way. This act translates into relationships that are formed between those who continue to show their love for them.
Hundreds of young women have come out of this lifestyle because one woman decided to do what others had done for her - rescue her from the pit of darkness.
What type of rescue mission might God call you to lead?

Thursday, October 2, 2008


"After that, God answered prayer in behalf of the land." 2 Samuel 21:14b

During the reign of David, there was a famine in the land for three successive years. So David sought the Lord regarding this famine, "Why is there famine on this land?" The Lord answered David, "It is on account of Saul and his blood-stained house; it is because he put the Gibeonites to death" (2 Sam. 21:1b).
Years earlier, Joshua made a peace treaty with the Gibeonites. This, too, was an act of disobedience. When God called Israel to come into the Promised Land, they were to destroy all the enemies of God. Joshua failed to see through the ruse of deception when the Gibeonites portrayed themselves as travelers. The Israelites signed a peace treaty only to discover who the Gibeonites were after the fact. Now, they had to honor the treaty. However, this led to intermarriages and much sorrow for Israel. Years later, Saul made a decision to kill the Gibeonites.
The nation was now receiving the punishment for their sin of disobedience through a famine. David knew that famines could have a spiritual source, so he inquired of God and God answered. The source was Saul's murder of the Gibeonites. Once David knew the source of the problem, he took action. He repented on behalf of the nation and made restitution. The famine was then lifted.
Do you have a problem that seems to be a continually unresolved issue? Have you asked God to tell you the reason for the problem? It may have a spiritual root that is still unresolved with God. He may be allowing this pressure to bring attention to an issue He wants you to take care of. Ask the Lord today to give you revelation on your problem. As a loving Father, He desires to make known anything that stands in the way of fellowship between you and Him. However, His righteousness must always be upheld.